Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

It's finally the first day of 2012!

Well, I suppose the year is rather new.

After all, we threw a birthday party for it yesterday.

We had candles, fancy matchsticks, napkins, cake and green plastic forks.

We sat at the top of the mall and we burned the remains of the cake and corners of some napkins.

Green simply because it reminded us of Slytherin and Slytherin does not settle for anything less.

Oh and thanks to Angela for tweeting me the picture above!

Anyway, since 2012 is kind of new and all that, I decided someone need to show them the ropes!

And I shall be the one to do so!

Hello 2012, you've got lots of potential.

All of us claim to have big expectations of you don't we.

Some of us using simple words like good or fun.

Others choose to use words such as idiosyncratic or even boisterous.

There are many words one would use, and if you don't know some of them, I can tell you that in my years growing up, I found a copy of a dictionary to be very useful.

I'm sure you'll be a fast learner, 2012.

But aren't some of the words used above used to describe people?

Then again, 2012, you're treated very much like a human. All the expectations of you.

But take it from me 2012, as your senior 2011 once said...

Well, it said nothing actually.

The thing is, I think what we expect is not a duration to make our lives pleasant or even acceptable.

Sure, 2012, you can enjoy the nice feeling of being on everyone's worksheets or calenders but really don't be bothered by our expectations.

What we expect really, is probably to see if we have changed for the better.

Testing if we've learnt from our mistakes that we made in the previous year to see if we've gotten any better.

So to 2012, you're responsibility is give us all a chance to prove ourselves right.

That we've learnt from the mistakes we made in 2011.

Sure, we'll make mistakes again when you're around, 2012.

And people will be angry and frustrated at their mistakes again.

People may say nasty things like You're boring, 2012 or 2012 has been crummy and awful, you can always think, hey, at least you were there to make 2013 a little less horrid.

So here's to you 2012, I know you can't drink grape soda(or anything really) but thanks for being here, and here's my words to you:

Good Luck and have fun being on everyone's calendar!

And to 2011, thank you.

For giving me the chance to change my life again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And I hope 2012's version of me will make you proud.