Saturday, December 15, 2012

I Can't Afford Anything

This post will contain a tutorial.

You see, when I give instructions, I have this tendency to spill a bottle of good o'l vulgarities which later spread through the sentences I speak. If vulgarities were a liquid, they'd spread of course. Hence, the bottle.

An example would be like this:

You take the censored little piece of paper and you bend the censored edge towards here. Then you take this little censored and fold it across in this censored direction. Censored yeah. Afterwards, you grab this censored corner and censored fold it down over here. There, you have a censored magnificent paper aeroplane. Enjoy your censored flight.

As you can see, I have censored some of the words. This will hopefully please and frustrate people of two groups. Oh anyway, though I have the urge to spill that o'l bottle all over this post and letting it seep through the words which I am typing, I SHALL NOT.

But you can imagine the appropriate vulgarities (that sounds like an oxymoron, ha!) in between sentences yourself, can't you?


As much as I would love to write the post with an introduction like:


I'm really not and do very much appreciate this fancy second-hand laptop I own, thank you very much.

However, I do have the tendency to be rather thrifty and sometimes can be a little extreme as to calculate the amount of savings I can make with writing pad value packs at a bookstore.

I am, for the record, pretty much the only person I see tapping away at a tiny phone calculator and muttering numbers under my breath in front of value pack sections in bookstores.

And as much as this may sound a little strange to some, merchandise is a no-no for me.

Better off saving the money for the future. There I said it.

This results in me side-eyeing the censored out of people who just stroll into conventions and blow thousands of bucks in a second.

I know I used a censored in the sentence above but the sentence pretty much begged for it. So please excuse it this once. Honestly, reading the word censored is much more annoying than reading the actual word itself.

Back to the topic, I can't afford to spend any money on merchandise when I could be saving up for rainy days is a better title for this post but I decided to keep it simple.

Thus, to overcome one's hunger for overpriced merchandise, I have followed in the footsteps of my fellow starved fangirls who experience a similiar fate as I do. What similarity you may ask?

It is that we all do not live in mansions near beaches which sand seems to shimmer like gold, own fifty plump ponies and a collectible dinosaur fossil and never seem to have the heart to break their stuffed piggy banks.

We turn to making our own merchandise. It's as easy as curtains, copper and candy.

For example, due to my inability to donate a hundred bucks to Homestuck's Kickstarter, I could only look at Scalemates through the photograph provided by the site.

Number One: I couldn't get my hands on a credit card.

Number Two: I could never spend a hundred dollars on merchandise.

I found the solution to this problem upon discovering handmade scalemates. This led me to this useful tutorial which I shall post a link to again because I do not wish for you to trouble yourself to find the link which I had also post previously.

Here it is.

And here's a picture of my second scalemate! I'm in the middle of making my third one.

Well, there was suppose to be a tutorial here according to the first sentence, I have none right now. I am working on a project though which I suppose I shall make a tutorial for. I think I shall post it as soon as I get the materials, make the project and take those photographs.

I was totally joking about the side-eyeing thing by the way. It's nice to see such eager people, even when they're buying merchandise.

And there are new curtain rails (or whatever you call those things curtains are attached to) in my house now! The old ones were rusty and broken. So that's some news on something new! 

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