Saturday, October 15, 2011

Meet Jonathan Box

This white box is very intimidating.

I shall start by being friends with it.

Hello White Box, I'm Cherie. Oh, you want me to call you Jonathan? Well, I hardly expected boxes to have names. Yes, I'm well aware that I once worked with 17 other boxes.

Oh, one of them was your uncle, Benson? That's a...peculiar name, no?

Did you just read the sentence I had written at the top? Sorry, you are a very nice box. The problem is me you see, I can't stand things being in such an organized state. After all, my desk has papers messily piled up.

I want us to be friends, box. Really, I do. Shall I offer you a peace offering such a lovely chinese tea?

You can't drink tea? Oh I'm so sorry! You think it's bitter? Well I-

Hold on a second. You said you CAN'T drink tea, how'd you know it's bitter?

Alright, I got you. We're even now. You could have just told me you didn't want any.

Or...just tell it to my face that I'm an awful host with no social skills and the tea sucks.

Right, you're a box, a couple hours old and your dream is to be a box featured in the Martha Stewart magazine?

Fascinating. I don't suppose you would be interested in knowing me. I am rather...mysterious. However, I do love Harry Potter and Glee and a bunch of other things. Oh, you love Harry Potter too?

Well, I think my phone or at least it's auto-correct, has been watching Glee secretly.

It kept changing "Just" to "Kurt".

I'm sorry I'm a really boring person box. Suppose I shall just go away.

Wait, you're willing to talk to me box? You know about how I love to write?

Oh thank you Jonathan Box! I won't let you down!

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