Friday, June 22, 2012

Sharing Day

This is the post where I share things like I usually do on the other posts on the blog except this time, I give it a title related to "sharing", yay!

First of all, I just want to let anyone who has ever done a solo of Don't Cry For Me Argentina that you are an amazing person because I don't know how you did it and why are you not living in a solid gold mansion and playing table tennis with solid gold tables on a solid gold private cruise ship. As long as you promise not to kick puppies and be a nice person, everyone should love and respect you for that.

Honestly. I love all of you.

And then this is the part where I share a true story.

You know how everyone has a special skill or talent that they need to develop. For example, let's say dancing. So you've been dancing your whole life and people have complimented you on it and you know you're pretty good at it. Then one day, someone spots your talent and invites you to perform in some amazing production.

That is the moment when you have realised that you have leveled up in the skill/talent you have, so you decide to throw a big party.

That's not the point.

The point is, I realise that I have leveled up in a certain skill recently. No, I have never been complimented for it (It's more like being yelled at) but I know I am fantastic at it.

The Art Of Annoying People.

Yes, I have managed to up my game and annoyed a pickpocket.

I am not joking.

There I was standing, when I felt my bag being unzipped and something moving inside it. My first thought was: They're taking something. However, I snapped out of my daze to remember that I didn't have a single phone, camera or even a wallet in my bag, thank goodness.

This may or may not be caused by my plan to transfer my phone into my coat pocket and then putting my hand over the phone and in the pocket. I then rolled tissues into a ball and placed only two plastic bottles and a notebook into my bag. Yes, I was well aware that I was might become the prey of pickpockets and prepared myself before hand.

I turned around and there-they-were. They had their hands in my bag and were furiously searching for something.

They looked up at a minute and while I was a little shocked at what I saw, the person rolled their eyes at me and gave me an annoyed look like it was my fault that I couldn't let them find something to take. Of course they quickly pulled their hands out and ran away before I could ask them what they wanted.

Later that day, I found my bag opened several times while sitting in crowded trains.

I guessed that just like the previous person, they were unable to find anything too.

Oh anyway, I'm working on a project (a.k.a novel writing) but I'm kind of stuck on character personalities because the story will be mostly focused on that. Hopefully, I will have figured things out by November so I'll be one step in front of Nanowrimo, hah!

Unfortunately, I am struggling with the amount of homework that feels more like a stampede and I don't think I'll be able to hand in my homework on time at this rate.

So before I go to stare at my wall, I'm going to share one last thing. I keep telling myself to share it but I keep forgetting so here it is today.

Anyway, bare: A Pop Opera (title according to wikipedia because youtube has so many titles) is about the struggles of two gay boys in their school.

So if you've got nothing much to do today and are in need of some music, click on the video below now.

The whole thing (Part 1 and 2) takes about two hours. Enjoy!

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