Sunday, November 6, 2011

A horrible thought just occured to me.


Next year, I will have a new class.

Don't ask me why I have a new class. It's the end of the school year, of course I would have a new class next year. Hold on, I wasn't planning on explaining.

Contrary to what Phineas and Ferb preach (in a non-religious manner. Oh wait, I can't use preach like that. Fine, claim.), I certainly do not have a 104 days of summer vacation.

Are you sure it's a 104 days? That seems awfully long.

Oh, and we don't have 104 of summer here. We have all year round summer. Which means I never get to wear an itchy sweater.

But I want to wear itchy sweaters (I think Rachel's outfits are kind of cute actually).

No, wait. The whole point is I don't want to be in a new class next year (I like her dresses the most though.)

Itchy sweaters or not.

I like my school uniform anyway.

The thing is, what if next year, no one in my class is a Potterhead?

Then you say: "It's alright. It's impossible that no one in a class of 40 will not like Harry Potter."

Well, excuse me. I'm not looking for classmates who "like Harry Potter."

I'm looking for Potterheads.


Anyone caught the reference to a saying?

And next year, I'll probably be stuck in a class where no one appreciates Harry Potter.

No one who cries over the characters' deaths.

No one who understands each character to the point that they can even relate to the tiniest things. (It's ok, Voldemort. I don't think I like my nose very much too.)

No one who will start a debate and serious discussion on the intricate plot that has been written.

No one will marvel at the compelling and wonderously dark story within the pages.

No one will be willing to thank J.K. Rowling for all of the adventures that we were sucked into to escape reality.

No one will be going to Hogwarts with me. They'll all be muggles.

No one.

No one.

This post must be rather depressing so I'm going to type something to make all of you smile:

David Tennant.

There you must be smiling now.

There are two reasons why you're smiling now:

1) He was your favourite/one of your favourite Doctors in the Dr Who series.

2) You saw photoshopped pictures of him on tumblr that were hilarious. For example: David Tennant photoshopped onto a High School Musical poster.

Now excuse me while I avoid the pear slices my mom is giving out.

And wait for the day my dad buys fish fingers and custard.

Which is highly unlikely.

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