Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am such a teenager!


I've got Strawberry Shortcake!

So maybe you don't see what's the big deal about it.

Well, it's a big deal to me.


Almost as good as Harry Potter.

Do you even know how hard it is to be even almost as good as Harry Potter?

Oh anyway, the title of this post will actually be the catchphrase of this post!

Hooray! So onward with the writing of the post!

Today I went out into the public again. All the scary people there.

Whoo Hoooo!

Heard some people laughing. Pretty sure they're laughing at me. Judging my every move.

But I shan't dampen the cheerful mood that comes along with the coming of December (a.k.a Christmas Month). And because of that, I have found a reason to convince myself to step out again and face the frightening outside person!

I got Christmas presents anyway. Suppose this satisfied feeling is what one calls Retail Therapy.

Well, I do seem content since I did manage to get presents. However, the extra little purchases that I made for myself makes me feel guilty.

How is this therapy?

It's terrible. I have this guilty feeling deep within me despite the fact that they weren't bought on impulse.

But just spending the money makes me feel so guilty about using the money that is saved up.

Emphasis on saving up.

I am such a teenager.

Oh and I actually don't see the appeal of putting items for the cashier to stare at.

They don't just scan the items, they stare at them.

And then judge you.

Well, they don't judge others. They judge me.

Then the whole walking among other strangers trying to get to the stuff you need.

Hello Stranger Number 1...hi there Stranger 7...sorry to bump into you Stranger 209...

It's almost like I'm having a Socialising Party.

"Oh hello there...Stranger. Would you like us to get aquaintated as we look for the stationary section together?"

"Please to meet you, really tall person who is kind of intimidating. Hope you don't mind that stepped on your foot. I like your keychain by the way."

"What a lovely bargain you got there, Stranger number 347! I wonder where I could find to share?"

Socialising skills? Got that down.

I am such a teenager.

On the bright side, I manage to get this really awesome key holder for a friend. It's actually a Sparrow key chain that has its own little house and you can put it in there when you come home.

I liked it so much, I got one for myself.

Look at me talk about what I bought. I'm actually being a regular teenager for once. But really, it's just an introduction so you get what I'm going to say next.

Anyway, I unintentionally got a black one, so now I've got a blackbird!

I might as well go ahead and say what else I got from that treacherous journey of shopping.

I'm pretty sure I came out demented and looking somewhat decrepit.

Check out the exaggeration in the sentence above!

I am such a teenager!

But really, I'm just excited over the fact I got 3 Glee CD albums.

Which is totally awesome. asdfghjklskdfjls.

I got Volume 5, The Warblers and Volume 6! Though I don't see why you would want to know that...(I also got three new books).

But I'm just testing out because it's my blog and apparently I can write what I want.

And muggles can't stop me!

Oh and since I've got the Warblers' album, I can play Blackbird to my new key chain.

Now I sound insane.

I am such a teenager!

Really, I guess I really am one after all. No matter how my use of "I am such a teenager" can be described as a "ironic use".

So I may not like shopping much...and I may not be "LIKE ALL THE TEENAGE-Y THINGS!" and "ACT STEREOTYPICALLY TEENAGE-Y!"

Still, I guess a teenager is what one describes as someone who is trying to fit in despite the fact that not everyone can understand us.

But somehow, I can't help feeling that my Spongebob attitude is what makes people roll their eyes at me. Truthfully, how did Spongebob become one of their favourite cartoons when they can't stand someone like him in the first place?

That is really ironic.

I am such a teenager!

I don't know about you but I think the whole "teenager" thing comes with a stereotype.

So...I don't think I want to be called a teenager after all.

That way, it doesn't seem weird if I have a Barbie movie marathon will it?

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