Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Personal Hour!

Well, it's not really and hour actually. It's just a catchy title for me to post things.

Then again, everything in this blog is personal.

But this post is personal, personal.

As in this blog post is made to simply satisfy my undying passion for whining.

So you need not read this.

Because all that's going to come out of this is everyone telling me: SHUT UP!

That seems to be the only plausible reaction that could come out of reading this.

Can we use the word "Plausible" like that?

Awesome? Awesome.

I just want Harry Potter: Page to Screen!

And a fez.

See what I did there?

No? No. Great.

Right, about the whining. I'm about to start being an ungrateful prat.

So if you don't like that, just don't read it.

I've given you a lovely choice.

It would really irritate me if you:

"Did you see what that pathetic whiny girl wrote on her blog? She's so ridiculous! Here, I've printed out the article so we can laugh at her and think about how much she sucks."

If you did that, I'm sorry that I'm here whining instead of feeding kids in some part of Africa.

Because Africa is not a country.

Do you get what I mean?

Instead of laughing at this post, why don't you feed the kids instead?

So once again, read it or leave it.

This whole chunk was just to make people bored so they wouldn't read any further.

Sweet? Sweet.

I would like to have a new thesaurus for Christmas.

My sense of humor is dry.

No really, that's what the whole post is about.

Did you hear my joke about the Birthday card?

You didn't? Guess no one liked it.


That looks like Drarry doesn't it?

Have you seen tumblr?

People there are like masters.

Masters of Humor

Masters of Doodling

Masters of Photography

Masters of Writing.

And here I am going: Let's reblog everythiiiiiiingg!

Hahaha, I am so hilarious.


See, I even rip off other people's style.

Look at the "Not", you think I invented the way to write it?

I probably learnt it off some High School Comedy Movie.

I need a new thesaurus. Learn some big words.

I'm turning eleven! Cause I write like I'm ten!

No, really. Stop teasing me that I'm short.

I can't help being short.

My bone age is about 11 years.

My height is average among 11 year olds.

I don't truly understand what it means.

But that's what the doctor said.

I AM FOREVER YOUNG! On the inside anyway.

But it's growing older. I think.

I'll end up short in the end though.


Have I mentioned that I need a new thesaurus?

Like urgently.

I need to build up my vocabulary.

I feel so strange talking in english to people my age who talk like some English expert.

English Expert, hah.

Look at the phrase I used. It's so...10 year old-ish.

You sir, are an intellectual.

Like Hermione Granger.

Now I wish I was Hermione's friend. I will make a post on it someday.

Look at my inner ADD working up! Yay! I'm changing topics constantly.

But I refuse to be diagnosed. It would suck if I had to take medicine or something.

Look at me type like I'm eight.

Or six.

This post is spectacularly long isn't it?

Spell check! Nope, no wrong words...


It's perfectly fine! Stop trying to find my spelling errors, spell check!

I'm trying to defeat your purpose.

Wait. Pause. The whole point is that I need a thesaurus because people who review my stories use words I don't even know.

And there I am going: I don't even know the meaning of the word and you use it to describe the story?

And then I go google it up and I'm like: When did I so unintentionally write such a complex thing.

It's not complex people.

It's basic stuff.

You're just over-looking things.

Example: The Glass is half fulll.

You can either tell me what a genius I am for coming up with such a sentence that describes the optimism level of an average person who is going through a tough time which also reflects the main character of the story.

Or you can tell me that that is a horrible way to describe a glass sitting on a table and why would you want to know about a half empty glass in the setting of the story. Wait, it also sounds like I copied it from somewhere.

You can make me look smart by saying that that is my main purpose for writing that sentence is the first choice.

You can also push off your tinted glasses and realise it's the second option.

So that's me, dry humor, whiny personality and all.

Now excuse me while get back to writing a story-in-progress.

It's a pathetic excuse for the representation of the melancholy of a courageous person.

That sentence above doesn't even make sense to me.

I'll leave it to you to come up with something to make sense of it.

Also, the story's not about that.

It's really something more like out of a High School Musical movie.

Except much more 10 year oldish.

I have such a non-existant way with words.

Remember what I said about starting off a blog post and not knowing what it's about?

That's exactly what's happening.

I'm shocked that I wrote something.

What happened to whining hour?

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