Saturday, December 3, 2011

Guessing Games

It's going to be Christmas and Hanukkah soon!

Notice how I put them in order of alphabets and not importance.

Before I start, I'd like to share a little something about Hanukkah! (Information taken and learnt from Wikipedia) From what I read up in wikipedia, Hanukkah doesn't have a fixed date like Christmas but is determined by a Hebrew Calendar. However, it does start on the 25th day of the Kislev.

I don't really understand what the Kislev is but on the Gregorian Calendar (the one you and I are currently using on our desktops), occurs from November to December. And it can last for 29 or 30 days. Oh and there are differences between the one we use daily and the Hebrew Calendar!

Here's another part I don't fully understand but the Jewish day starts at sunset(unlike the Gregorian Calendar we're used to that starts at midnight). I think that means the Hebrew Calendar(also known as the Jewish Calendar), starts the day at sunset.

Well, I could go on about it but I'm guessing this post will be like a wikipedia article when I'm done. So maybe I'll tell you about it another time! And maybe even go on to explaining things I learnt about the Lunar Calendar after finishing up that article and then onto the next article which was about Intercalation-

Looking back at the last few paragraphs, I may have gone off topic. It was suppose to be facts about Hanukkah!

Oh well. I've been planning Christmas gifts for everyone by the way. I thought that you would all like to guess what I'm making or buying(?) with the stuff I'm going to get. However, some things in the list is meant for myself!

-Black Cellophane(if I can't find that. Some of you may have part garbage bag presents!)
-Tumbler Cup (or a non-disposable look alike of coffee cups.)
-Black Lace (grey would also be nice.)
-Rings (as in just the metal ring itself. I think I should be able to get some at craft stores...)

That's all I'm sharing out of my giant list of stuff I need to get!

Oh alright, I'll admit that the black lace is for myself. Wait, pause. No I'm going to start wearing lace blouses, I can't sew. However, I thought of it as a DIY project.

Have you seen the Lace-covered sunglasses from Chanel?(I know they're from last year but still.)I don't think I'll ever buy all these stuff with their huge logos stamped all over the stuff (they make you stand out), but these sunglasses are just so whimsical in a way!

I can totally see the whole of Wonderland (including Alice), donning one of these.

Thought it would be really cute if Alice's had baby blue lace and the flower details (preferably roses) were red and white...and maybe a dash of green!

Oh, I'm going off the topic again. Well, to put things simply, maybe I could dig out an old pair of spectacles or maybe get some cheap fake glasses for about $2 or something and try making it myself.

I suddenly want the Alice version of the Lace-covered sunglasses. Why didn't I think of it before?

However, I don't think I'll be wearing them at all. I don't really go out, no one wears sunglasses in the house and I don't think I want to stand out so much.

Maybe someday, when I'm older, I would dare to wear the things I like and not to care what others think.

Oh and checking in on our countdown, 14 more days to WICKED!

And if I could, I would walk around for a week wearing outfits inspired by it or Wizard of Oz.

You know, I think there was an article about the costumes in the local paper.

Since we're on the topic of clothing, I just thought of this idea.


No, seriously, I would wear it. It would be such amazing sleepwear. Like the patterns and the fabric. Go google images of Luna now! Sure, the colours are rather bright, but I think they would make for a really awesome pair of pyjamas. And pyjamas that are brightly coloured would be like a trend (I don't think it has been made a trend yet). It's like wearing a disco ball to sleep. (Lady Gaga pyjamas anyone?)

That reminds me, I googled bright coloured pyjamas just now for pictures. Apparently there was this navy robe with red piping and it was worn with a white shirt and a red tie. First thought? DALTON UNIFORM!

Oh anyway, has anyone seen Lady Gaga's music video for Marry the Night? I don't know why but I absolutely love it.

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely.

Did I mention how in love I am with the choreography in it? asdfghjkldkjfh

Meet Lady Gaga, still shining brightly on my list of things to do.

And I just wished for once I could get a nice cd album for Christmas instead of Post-it notes dispensers and organizers I will never use.

It's the thought that counts. But to my relatives (who will never find this blog), hint hint.

Notice how I mention Lady Gaga and then albums for Christmas?

P.S. I've already got "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster".

P.S.S. So don't get me those.

P.S.S.S. I knew I could always count on family!

P.S.S.S.S. Who would never read this post.

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