Friday, December 16, 2011

Story Time

Hi everyone! I've been meaning to update but I haven't really gotten an idea of what I want to post for some time. Luckily, today's epic adventure with Vidhya and Franks was just what I needed to cure the writer's block. Oh and we got to watch Arthur Christmas today!

Time to update the Wicked's tomorrow! Hooray!

Oh anyway, this post is going to be long because it consists of stories I wrote just today and last night.

The first one was for Vidhya. She requested a story involving Fred, Ri and her.

Here it is!

For Fred, the three words you'd hear about him is busy in trouble.

So for his wife Vidhya, it would be no surprise that you'd hear getting some sleep.

Despite the differences in their lifestyle, Vidhya had an amazing sense of humour and is clever and quick-witted at pointing out the details that others often overlooked. Fred however preferred to make others laugh, plotting ingenius schemes and and out-smarting even the wisest wizards.

In other words, they made a fantastic pair.

To anyone who knew them, they were the sweetest and most loving couples who cared and understood each other......most of the time.

"Vidhya," hissed Fred sitting on the edge of the bed, as Vidhya stepped out from behind the dressing screen which was currently coloured by Ri with Mrs Filtlemop's Magic Permanent Crayons.

"I don't even know why I bought this shirt in the first place!" Vidhya cried, pulling at the top she had on as she spun around inspecting the jeans she has chosen to match with it in the old mirror, "There isn't even something I can match with it. Not even jeans."

"You look fine. Splendid really," Fred sighed, "Can I go now? There's this new shipment of Trick wands I've been dying to try out."

Vidhya scowled a little at her reflection. "You don't understand. Everything I have looks horribly unflattering."

"Tell you what Vidhya, we can go shopping for new clothes at Madam Malkin's alright?"

Tugging experimentally at her jeans, Vidhya found herself a little frustrated. "Fred, I can't go out among muggles dressed in robes."

"Why not?" smiled Fred cheekily, "You can start a new trend among those boring muggles. Defy expectations!"

"Defying Gravity," Vidhya muttered under her breath as she tried to pick out another outfit from her closet.

"Hey, you know I don't like that show. They make us wizards seem less awesome than we really are." Fred huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"And you know how I spend a lot of time in the muggle world," Vidhya replied slipping on another top and jacket from behind the screen, "Also, you just don't like it because Elphaba and Glinda doesn't throw great big pranks like you do."

"You always spend so much time in the muggle world. You go to muggle school, learn muggle things and talk about muggle stuff to muggles." groaned Fred, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't have a choice, Fred. Professor Dumbledore has specifically said that I have to balance a muggle and wizard lifestyle." Vidhya stepped out from behind the screen, adjusting the faded denim jacket she had on.

"Well, why can't you just say no? What's stopping you? You have to wear all those strange muggle clothing almost all the time. What's wrong with wearing robes?" he argued, pointing to his robes.

"I have no choice! You always wear ridiculous matching robes with George anyway!" Vidhya snapped, looking at Fred with a piercing stare.

"They aren't ridiculous! They are made of the best dragonhide!" Fred shouted, jumping to his feet.

"It still matches his!" Vidhya tosses her hands in the air in anger.

"Maybe you should think about how little time you spend with me instead!" cried Fred, sitting back down on the bed in a resigned manner.

Vidhya's eyes widened quickly, "Oh Fred..."

Ri looks up at his mother, frightened by the loud voices echoing around the room.

"We're not fighting, Ri...don't worry. I think." Fred fixed a small smile on his face, trying to reassure Ri.

"No, we're not." Vidhya added, "Why didn't you tell me Fred? I thought seeing you around the house was enough. You never complained."

"I guess I just miss you sometimes," Fred admitted, "And really, you like so many new things...even muggle stuff that I don't even know. How am I suppose to get the perfect present for you this Christmas?"

Vidhya smiled, pullling Fred in for a hug. "You're amazing you know that? I'm sorry about yelling at you and about your dragonhide robes."

"And so are you. I can't believe the most fantastic, flawless and beautiful person as my wife...well maybe after me." joked Fred with a huge grin on his face.

Vidhya rolled her eyes. "You should just marry yourself." she said, but the tone of her voice held no anger or frustration.

"No way! And miss doing this?" laughed Fred, kissing Vidhya quickly on the lips, "I'd rather not!"

"Alright, guess we could do this another time. Go on, George is probably waiting with the trick wands."

"Aww, can't I spend a little more time with you instead?"

"Well-" Vidhya's speech was cut off by the sudden flutter of wings in the room.

"Oh look, George's owl and it's delievered..." Fred gulped as he held the howler in his hand.

"Uhh, I think I won't want to spend time with you," Vidhya said, picking Ri up from the floor and hurriedly followed the owl out of the house.

Just as she made stepped out of the house into the front lawn, Vidhya could hear the howler that George had sent.


A confused Ri looked at Vidhya as she burst into laughter.

Hope you like it Vidhya! Writing it was like pushing a snowball down the hill, once you start, you can't stop......till you reach the bottom!

But really, this is to make up for the time I posted a post with the title "I am going to post fanfiction here" but it was just to capture your attention. So I finally posted one.

Well, sure, it needs lots(and lots) of improvement but for now I think it's enough. I shall go eat some warm apple pie now.


Edit(11/12/12): There was originally another story that I wrote which was posted here but I deleted it because there are days when you read the things you have written and you have the great urge to do a magnificent facepalm. I didn't delete the one above because it was a present.

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