Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I like to think that everything that a person does is influenced by something in their lives. That without that influence, we would be something completely different. That we would never have done certain things because that influence was not present in our lives.

I'm currently trying to finish my holiday assignments at this very moment and have just completed one of the book reviews I am required to do. As I had my computer switched on, I decided to take a break from the scratching of an old pen across lined paper and instead type up a post for this blog.

Anyway, I am going to list the things that inspire me to like or do a certain something. Not everything of course(that would to take too long) but those things that matter most.

I suppose that this shall have to be considered one of the more serious posts on this blog. But not serious-depressing like some, it is more like that this post will lack the random bits of humour or air-headed sayings that some other posts may contain. Perhaps the next one will be like that? I must stop delaying the post of the tutorial (mentioned in an older post) any further.

I don't think I would like to become a serious writer that only writes for a living as some people have suggested to me. I still do, however, love to write and read and do count it in as one of the most important and wonderful things I love to do.

I shall start with how I began my love for reading.  Reading was sort of an accidental thing, really. I didn't have anyone forcing me to push my nose into a book or anything like that. Back in Kindergarten, we had reading circles and I would get really frustrated because everyone read so slowly. During a trip to Kinokuniya(a bookstore) when I was six, my brother got my parents to buy me Roald Dahl's Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. It was kept in a small bookshelf, never to be touched till a year later.

Around that time, I had entered primary school. A classmate had recommended Enid Blyton's books to me. Being curious, I dragged my parents into a bookstore (MPH, to be specific) and I got two books that day, "The Magic Brush" and "The Brave Little Puppy". I also discovered the local newspaper's comic section.

After my collection of Enid Blyton books grew, I wanted something else to read. I found the abandoned Charlie and The Chocolate Factory on the shelf and decided to read the book my brother had picked out for me.

I loved the book.

I had never read anything like it. Well, probably because I've never read much other than newspaper comics and Enid Blyton. I couldn't stop reading it! It was just so exciting. It felt like someone had pulled me into the Chocolate Factory and I was watching the adventure unfold before my very eyes. It was amazing.

After finishing the book, I got my parents to buy me the whole set of Roald Dahl's books for Children. I remember when I read about how you could travel anywhere with a book in "Matilda", I thought it was the most magical thing ever.

 Before I knew it, I had finished reading them.

By then, I grew bored of just reading the comic sections and went on to reading short newspaper articles and the funny pages of magazines. My books were all dog-eared and some sentences were underlined in pencil from when I tried to teach my toys to read.

I was already seven when a friend told me about The Chronicles of Narnia. I had only read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at that time as I felt it was the most interesting one. Nevertheless, I was absolutely astounded by the wonders of the magical place and a grand lion, Aslan.

This also led to hours of conversation on the phone with said friend as we imagined working for Aslan and the Pevensie children.

Fast forward.

I was nine when I discovered What Katy Did. I had read quite a bit by then and that was the one book that stood out. It was rather humorous at some parts. Though it wasn't meant to be a book made purely for laughs, I felt that the comedic elements was so well-written that I would someday write a novel which had comedic parts that made others laugh as much as I had with What Katy Did.

When I was eleven, I was required to read Oliver Twist as part of the school's literature programme. I absolutely loved it. Sometimes when I re-read the things I've written after having read the book and compare it to the stories I've written before I read the book, I can see the influence and the change in the style and the stories I wrote. In other words, my writing has been greatly influenced.

There are many books that shaped and changed my perspective on reading and writing. I'll provide a little list of some I have not mentioned:

-Ways To Live Forever by Sally Nicholls
-Judy Blume's Fudge Series
-A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond
-Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
-The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
-I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells
-Jacqueline Wilson
-Coraline by Neil Gaiman
-Chocolat by Joanne Harris
-Dav Pilkey
-The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
-Topsy and Tim Series by Jean and Gareth Adamson

And honestly, I could go on and on but it's dinner time now.

So today, I wrote about what inspired me to read and write. Perhaps next time, I shall write about the thing I am most passionate about.

No, get your head out of the gutter. I did not mean using the internet is what I love the most.

Honestly, the gutter is full of absolute nonsense and rubbish.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Throw it all in the Cauldron

To brew today's blog post, we'll need:

-A pinch of laziness

-A spoonful of random videos that one particularly enjoys

In order to fully appreciate this video post(also known as a post that lists videos one likes when in grumpy cat mode), one must grab a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket and settle down in front of a computer or laptop screen.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I Can't Afford Anything

This post will contain a tutorial.

You see, when I give instructions, I have this tendency to spill a bottle of good o'l vulgarities which later spread through the sentences I speak. If vulgarities were a liquid, they'd spread of course. Hence, the bottle.

An example would be like this:

You take the censored little piece of paper and you bend the censored edge towards here. Then you take this little censored and fold it across in this censored direction. Censored yeah. Afterwards, you grab this censored corner and censored fold it down over here. There, you have a censored magnificent paper aeroplane. Enjoy your censored flight.

As you can see, I have censored some of the words. This will hopefully please and frustrate people of two groups. Oh anyway, though I have the urge to spill that o'l bottle all over this post and letting it seep through the words which I am typing, I SHALL NOT.

But you can imagine the appropriate vulgarities (that sounds like an oxymoron, ha!) in between sentences yourself, can't you?


As much as I would love to write the post with an introduction like:


I'm really not and do very much appreciate this fancy second-hand laptop I own, thank you very much.

However, I do have the tendency to be rather thrifty and sometimes can be a little extreme as to calculate the amount of savings I can make with writing pad value packs at a bookstore.

I am, for the record, pretty much the only person I see tapping away at a tiny phone calculator and muttering numbers under my breath in front of value pack sections in bookstores.

And as much as this may sound a little strange to some, merchandise is a no-no for me.

Better off saving the money for the future. There I said it.

This results in me side-eyeing the censored out of people who just stroll into conventions and blow thousands of bucks in a second.

I know I used a censored in the sentence above but the sentence pretty much begged for it. So please excuse it this once. Honestly, reading the word censored is much more annoying than reading the actual word itself.

Back to the topic, I can't afford to spend any money on merchandise when I could be saving up for rainy days is a better title for this post but I decided to keep it simple.

Thus, to overcome one's hunger for overpriced merchandise, I have followed in the footsteps of my fellow starved fangirls who experience a similiar fate as I do. What similarity you may ask?

It is that we all do not live in mansions near beaches which sand seems to shimmer like gold, own fifty plump ponies and a collectible dinosaur fossil and never seem to have the heart to break their stuffed piggy banks.

We turn to making our own merchandise. It's as easy as curtains, copper and candy.

For example, due to my inability to donate a hundred bucks to Homestuck's Kickstarter, I could only look at Scalemates through the photograph provided by the site.

Number One: I couldn't get my hands on a credit card.

Number Two: I could never spend a hundred dollars on merchandise.

I found the solution to this problem upon discovering handmade scalemates. This led me to this useful tutorial which I shall post a link to again because I do not wish for you to trouble yourself to find the link which I had also post previously.

Here it is.

And here's a picture of my second scalemate! I'm in the middle of making my third one.

Well, there was suppose to be a tutorial here according to the first sentence, I have none right now. I am working on a project though which I suppose I shall make a tutorial for. I think I shall post it as soon as I get the materials, make the project and take those photographs.

I was totally joking about the side-eyeing thing by the way. It's nice to see such eager people, even when they're buying merchandise.

And there are new curtain rails (or whatever you call those things curtains are attached to) in my house now! The old ones were rusty and broken. So that's some news on something new! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Badly-Drawn Dragon

I'm still a little tired and rather confused after returning from my week long trip to Malaysia. It seems that while I was away, my family members decided to get haircuts and rearrange the furniture in the house.

Ah well, I suppose I will get used to it all soon. In the meanwhile, as I did not feel like writing about my trip, I drew a dragon on Paint instead. A badly-drawn one according to the post's title. It's supposed to look goofy to cheer people up.

So here it is:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Candy, Costumes and Head-Splitting Volumes

It was difficult coming up with the title for this post because I didn't want it to simply be "AFA 2012" or something like that.

Anyway, I did attend the AFA yesterday which was the last day of this year's event! I met up with Sam before going to the Expo where it was held this year. I wish I had taken more photographs!

It was actually pretty hilarious because when we found Jamie(who sits next to me in History class) and her friend, they talked about how the Sword Art Online booth had pretty much sold out everything. We went to take a look at the mentioned booth afterwards which was really cleared out. The only thing left were sample products, sword replicas, character stands and a backdrop.

Sam and I decided to count the number of Vocaloid cosplays we could find and pointed at every one of them while shouting a number. We managed to count up to 48! The cosplays were really adorable. There was this duo who dressed up as Sion(I'm not too sure about the spelling of the name) and Nezumi from No.6 and I wish I had taken a picture of them. They seemed kind of busy though so I left them alone to enjoy the festival.

Oh and there was this guy who I asked if what he was dressed up as was from Resident Evil 5 because I saw it in the game and thought it looked so familiar.

I was right!

To make a really long list short, there were tons of cosplays from all sorts of animes. Some really popular ones were like Ao No Exorcist, Fairy Tail and K. There was a big group of Hetalia cosplayers (especially a really awesome Chibitalia) and a really impressive Iron Man.

I really like their expressions, haha!

It was really fun! I learnt a lot from Sam who I am pretty sure bought every Saber (Fate Zero) file we came across. That reminds me, Sam also bought Takoyaki and then proceeded to burn her tongue (gosh, burn sounds odd. from eating the freshly made snack. Afterwards, she went and got herself a free cup of hot coffee (they were giving them out) and sipped on it saying that compared to the Takoyaki it was lukewarm. Funny Sam!

Oh anyway, I got some candy that I had once seen on a RRcherrypie video! As Teresa came over to my place today, I decided to open the candy kit.

My creation is on the left and Teresa's making her Panda on the right!

Pandango (Or that's what it says on the packaging)

Pretty much a mixture of water and powder


According to Teresa, the sauce was really sweet. I was actually confused by the sauce because when I first tasted it, I thought it tasted salty and then the sweetness sort of kicked in and I continued to eat it in confuzzlement.
Oh, I almost forgot! Jamie gave me this bag at the AFA and I absolutely love it! It's so gorgeous and I've just started watching this anime. Thank you so much, Jamie!
By the way, if you're still wondering about the "Head-Splitting Volumes" part in this post's title, it refers to the music booths at the AFA which had really loud music playing from the speakers, wheeee!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

You Have Earned The Skill "Sewing" and +340XP!

It'll be a quick update today as I do not have much to say.  To make a long story short, I shall just say that I've been busy as usual but managed to find time to complete a project!

Yes, as according to the title, I've just learnt to sew. Shortly after picking up the needle, I embarked on the journey of completing my first sewing project.

Definition: My First Sewing Project <mye^ fe.rst so-ying pro-je^k>: The adorable little guy made out of felt and buttons. A handmade scalemate.

Indeed! I have made my first sewing project a Scalemate.

Isn't it pretty? Even if I do say so myself.
I made it with the help of this tutorial!

I guess you could still see the messy stitches on it but as a friend kindly puts it, there is still a sense of accomplishment. Oh and I shall need practice!

Well, as this is a short post made longer thanks to the help of a photograph, I suppose I shall include a picture of a badly-drawn horse below.

Just For Fun.
Till next time!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Rather Short Post

Sometimes I really don't know how to react towards certain situations. And even with my best intentions or in a joking manner, I end up being insensitive.

Other than the fact that I could very possibly have a rather low EQ, I simply am unable to comprehend the atmosphere of a place and tend to blurt out things on impulse. This makes me an ridiculously insensitve bumbling idiot.

I can imagine myself rolling down a flight of stairs while wearing a t-shirt that says "Ridiculously Insensitive".

I like Chinese paintings. It looks very pretty and delicate yet very grand and majestic in a way. I really liked the Chinese painting course that we had in Art class in Primary.

Oh anyway, back to what I wanted to write about before I got distracted by Chinese paintings and fruit juice, I am reminded of the awfully insensitive words I tend to blurt out.

And sometimes I wonder whether that's what makes people so angry or upset with me.

Is that the reason or am I just missing the real point of everything?

Hmm, either way, I guess I do have the potential or am actually a rather mean and horrid person without realising it.

Well, I have tried apologising or trying to cover up before but I just make things worse at times.

So therefore, I shall use the following paragraph to convey my intentions and sincerity on making up for my stupidity.

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sory Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry.

Well, sorry for being a bumbling impulsive idiot.

Anyway, I thought that I would be an expert in typing out "Sorry" by line 3 but it seems that I even made a mistake on the last "Sorry". I shall have to brush up on my typing of "Sorry" skills and then I can type even more.

I suppose you could consider this post a rather sad one but then again I feel that an apology is needed.

But no matter what I do, things just keep on bothering me.

Maybe I should just stop apologising before things get worse.

Oh look at me writing my emotions down on this blog, it won't be long before I crack and end up explaining what's been bugging me.

But I suppose I shan't, I really don't want to. I shall now walk out of my room in which I am currently surrounded by pale white walls that seem to stain with a ghastly yellow with age.

Then I shall appreciate the good things that sometimes balance out the bad.

Well, for one, this post isn't as short as I thought.

And I haven't even walked out of the room yet, fancy that.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That Doesn't Solve Anything

On the bright side, there is nothing to solve.

Except for this puzzle game I found in my drawer.

So anyway, as this is a blog which is a web log which is really suppose to be a web diary but I don't really use it for that reason sometimes, I have decided to write a little about today's events, hooray.

Look, that was a unintentionally long sentence that makes only a little sense!

I got back some of my examination papers today. It's pretty awful considering the fact it's all 'B's and then a 'C'. I'm getting back the rest of them tomorrow and if I'm lucky, I might just get a nice(sarcasm) long rows of 'B's and a little 'C' here and there.

Before I slam my head against the desk which is calling out to me, I must tell myself not to worry so much about the results but rather learn from the wonderful(sarcasm, again)mistakes I have made in my papers.

I am now free to slam my head against the desk.

However, I would advise you not to follow my example seeing how you have not hired a stunt double like I did.

Unfortunately, my stunt double happens to be myself from a parallel universe whose life is pretty much the same except she has a different calculator.

Oww...stunt double me, don't hit too hard. I can feel the pain too you know?

For the rest of this blog post, I shall just copy some parts from my notebook which I use as a journal  in and then edit it a little and type it out in this white typing-typy-type box.


That reminds me, I bought my first Betty Crocker product on my way home from school last Wednesday!

It's actually a Betty Crocker Pancake Mix(Just Add Water!).

Looks promising...

I tried making them but they came out really messy(aka nothing like the picture on the box) and I accidentally made tons of them.

The first pancake!

That afternoon, I had stuffed myself with so many pancakes that I felt sick and didn't want anymore pancakes.

Perhaps this is due to the absence of maple syrup?

I shall buy some to go with the next batch of pancakes I make.

Sounds like a good plan.

On Thursday, I had a Kirby Day in which I spent four or so hours hunched over my brother's tiny laptop to play Kirby's Dream Land. As much I hate admitting this but thank you Gamefaqs for saving my lack of skills again.

Other than the huge blast of nostalgia I had over the weekends, an hour of Dead Space(which involves yelling at the screen), an attempt at learning to play the theme song from Halloween(the movie, Michael Myers anyone?) and going on to the next stage in Spore, I would say that my weekend was spent rather wisely(HOMESTUCK!).

I have just realised that I intended to copy parts of my journal to be in this post but ended up just reading through the entries and rewriting them completely for the sake of this post.

Silly me. But it is rather therapeutic typing again.

And about the matter that has been bothering me for some time now, I think I'm ready to let go of it. Honestly, it's a real relief.

I was really tempted to just fill this whole blog post with youtube video after video as a way of showing you what I've been up to recently other than what I described in the paragraphs above.

If you must know, I've been listening to Mindy Gledhill(I should post a song below?) and watching the episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series that I've missed(Gee, I can't believe I missed a couple!).

It's kind of been driving me up the wall lately, the fact that there's people who need help but I don't know how to help people because I usually make things worse.Therefore, I can only smile and talk about random things because that's the only thing I can do for now.

I don't really know what else to tell you (or anyone who is actually reading this blog) but I guess I'll just add a little video to this post.

It's a confuzzling Tuesday, isn't it?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Idiosyncratic Tendencies

In which I am unable to describe my current mood and decide to make a blog post with title that contains one of my favourite words. I like the way idiosyncratic sounds.

Like idio-syn-cratic.

To be honest, something has been bugging me for a long time. I don't think I'll ever post the problem here but I guess what I can say is that you don't remember how much you've missed something till you miss it again.

And again.

And again.


On a completely materialistic note, I've gotten myself a new pair of glasses! The challenge was to find the strangest pair of glasses that no one would buy. At least I won't miss this pair when someone steps on it again.

There's a lot of uses for the word "again" isn't there?

The History examination was today. I think History holds one fascinating fact that we constantly make mistakes and we are always reminded of it even in the form of a school textbook.

Come to think of it, my blog posts seem to have changed so much. If you check the first few posts of this blog, they were much more materialistic and had a rather cheerful tone.

But as you read towards the present they get more depressing.

Or at least less cheerful.

The posts now drip with boredom. You can almost hear a tired voice seeping through the pages of the blog in a vein-like pattern that spreads out.

I have no understanding of the things I type these days, honestly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Driving A Golf Cart Up a Fence

Things have been absolutely insane for a while as a result of my impulsive decisions.

Honestly, I haven't really been writing much due to the fact that should I truly write what is on my mind, the blog will be flooded with depressing poems and laments of a tiny little girl who could so very much be called Thumbelina.

Ah, now what does Thumbelina want to say? Oh right. By the way, no more symbolistic third person writing from here onwards. I've got a couple of tests tomorrow and a pile of homework but I cannot seem to feel the urgency and need to do my homework as of now.

Alright, maybe I have exaggerated the first sentence but it has really been an emotional roller coaster so I doubt that exaggeration does not deem as fitting.

PANCAKES. I really want pancakes now.

Carbohydrates in the form of a sweet treat and sticky syrup. All that butter. There are days where I can't decide whether I like waffles or pancakes more. I mean, pancakes are all soft and "buttery-er" but waffles are chewy and has this awesome song for it (Just search up "Do You Like Waffles" on youtube").


I need to type completely random things that can sometimes be deemed as "childish" by cynical and bitter people (who have decided to stop waiting for Peter Pan to appear at their window and take them away to Neverland) as I like to believe that keeps me from being less open-minded. Kids can come up with the best and funniest things ever and I'd give them my total respect if it wasn't for the fact that they sometimes like to kick you at the cashier counter queues in supermarket.

Somehow I think this idea to act like a young excitable child may sometimes backfire on me. Especially when I start clapping my hands on going "Yay!" when I see the rare Good Job stamp on my test on my worksheets.

Look, they are rare alright? Not every teacher still treats us like kids and stamp these bright green words when we do an excellent job.

I shall now go finish off the rest of my crackers and cheese.

Friday, September 7, 2012


This is the post in which I show you my attempt to give the almost-instagram (using a polaroid-esque phone app which is not instagram) to a stray cat.

AND YES! I am very much aware I have not been posting anything recently on this blog. I shall, however, not apologise for being greatly distracted by the feeling of being forgotten, school work and Homestuck in that order.

By the way, here's the cat.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Newsletter Nostalgia

As the title suggests, this post will contain useless facts about the things I've done. I may be twenty or thirty years too early to be nostalgic but it's never too late to get used to being old isn't it? To make a long elaboration into a short single sentence summary, this is the story of how some newsletters I've written for came about.

Because name me one kid who didn't try starting up their own newsletter for fun on pieces of stapled scrap paper.

The International Science and News Magazine was a self-published magazine I made at the age of nine. The price was written as "20 cents" but was actually only free for borrowing. The articles in it weren't very reliable, after all most of it derived from whatever health fad my Mom went through at that time and whatever theories my father and brother came up with to disprove its effectiveness.

Nevertheless, I wrote short eight sentence articles along with messy crosswords drawn without a ruler and animal facts from The Hemisphere Kid which I subscribed to back then but never bothered to actually read. I stopped writing for this magazine after a few issues.

Other than writing newsletters and stories on scrap paper to entertain others, I was eleven when I discovered a newspaper written by another class. They published a newspaper and a magazine named after their own class which was read by their own classmates.

Fascinated, I thought about starting up my own but needed help in gaining readership and people to help with the articles. Lucky for me, a friend of mine liked the idea of starting a class newspaper.

We spent Science lessons coming up with ideas and finally writing them down on pieces of foolscap paper stapled together. She did most of the main illustrations and I got to do some of it. Articles in the newspaper was mostly taken from websites and news travelling around the school.

Fake advertisments were placed in there including sign-ups for the "Official Whiny Netball Club" for people like me who were afraid of playing netball. The advertisement promised that upon joining the club, a box with the color of your choice, will be given to you so that you can put it over your head so you can't see where the ball is headed during your P.E. lesson.

The newspaper even had a comic section filled with dry and morbid humor. There was one page at the end left for me to write in which I called "Aunt Sarcastic".

Well, as I believe, in every cheerful sunshine-and-fluffy-kittens kid there is a sarcastic and ever sceptical person waiting to get out.

For my eleven year old self, it came in the form of a grumpy old lady with a college degree in evil.

Aunt Sarcastic was a cartoon elderly woman who wore soft grandma cardigans with a beanie and a skull and crossbones t-shirt. She mostly had a snappy and rather rude retort to every letter she got as she was pretty much the opposite of an Agony Aunt. Again, the dry sense of morbid humor was applied to Aunt Sarcastic's letters and an email account was created for her but I have never used it.

So that's the story behind some of the newsletters/newspapers/magazines I've written. I've written more than these two but I didn't have as much fun writing the other newsletters compared to these.

Now I can't seem to figure out a better way to end this post.

Would this be the appropriate moment to say go figure?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In Which The Title "Happy Curtains" Will Not Match the Post Content

First I would like to toast a glass to the longest title for a post on this blog so far.

Secondly, I would like us to put down our imaginary glasses of Ribena for now. If you have been following the posts in the blog, you'd realise that the posts are getting more depressing.

It's like when you read my posts, the tension from the seriousness of it on your computer screen can be cut with the pointy end of the cursor.

Not really.

Anyway, today's post is on the topic of "Problems".

Not just any problem like a puzzle though but problems that psychologically terrify and change you for the worse. What everyone knows is that everyone has a terrifying problem that confuses them and changes them.

What everyone doesn't realise until they sit down and actually think is why they feel so lost and alone when faced with these questions.

We're afraid of being judged.

The thing is, we are desperate to find someone to share our problems with and hopefully(with a bit of luck), they will understand and be able to not just sympathise but actually empathise. Unfortunately, it is in human nature to judge someone when you do not understand their point of view.

What does it mean to be judged when your point of view is not the same as the person judging you?

Well, I guess that everyone has a certain idea of what this "terrifying problem" is. For some people, it is a big problem when you are lonely and have no one to talk to. For others, they can put up with being lonely but when they face verbal abuse, it is the breaking point for them.

To put it in a conclusion, we tend to judge the problems of others based on what we, as individuals, think is a awful problem. For some strange reasons, no matter how aware we are of the fact, we are unable to think that it is not the situation the person is in that decides how terrible and psychologically affecting the problem may be, but by how big the negative impact on the said person really is.

With this fact in mind, we are afraid that we are unable to find someone to empathise with us, or worse, judge us negatively on how we react to the problems we are facing.

Yes, we have all scoffed at someone. I know I have. Sometimes, when I see people whining and crying over schoolwork, I tend to think "How is that such a big problem? I have the same exact homework as you and you're crying over it? I have even bigger problems than that!"

I guess I too forget that I'm not suppose to judge the situation but the impact of the situation on the person.

Sure, it's difficult to empathise with someone when we believe that there are bigger problems than the problem of the person who we have difficulty empathising with but we have got to try our best to take that mental block we have away as much as possible. Catch yourself making judgements on the person's problem? It's alright, just stop and try to concentrate on what the person who is telling you about their problem is saying.

And if anyone wants to compare problems with me to try and judge me, go right ahead. I'm providing the details at the bottom because I need to tell someone or something that is not my pale-white wall.

I'm lonely and frustrated that I don't have much friends to talk to. Whatever friends I have left feek distant and I feel like I'm always left out of the loop. I hate that I've changed so much this year and that I've been unable to concentrate on anything. I hate that I can be so mean at times and I'm so afraid that I've hurt people without knowing it. I hate that when I hear laughter, I think people are laughing at me even if they're complete strangers. I'm upset that I feel second to everyone. I don't have a friend to confide in and to empathise for me. I don't understand why I have to urge to cry and I tear up all the time without even understanding why. I hate that I think these are big problems. I hate that this paragraphs is so full of "I"s.

Some may choose to wonder why I lose sleep over such "petty problems" and some may actually understand. Honestly, I really dislike it when people cut me off while I'm talking to them and then try to compare their problems to mine and it makes me feel worse because they make me feel like as if my problems aren't terrifying or important.

But in the end, we can't force people to share their problems and we can't expect to always be able to understand everyone. We also can't expect people to act the way we want them to.

But hey, that's some people isn't it. Just like how there are some things we can never truly solve or understand.

P.S. Perhaps I have made a slight mistake in my post title about the post not matching the title but boy do the curtains in the video have the potenital to look happy.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Too School For Cool

Before I go on tell you another story, I'll tell you this story.

So my brother is some volunteer person for a Biology Olympiad thing and he got to bring home souvenirs which is pretty cool.

Until I saw this.

To put this in simple terms, this is definitely a win.
Candy coloured like flags, yes please.

So anyway, back to the story that is related to the title. I am officially too school for cool. It has come to the point when saying "Oh My Gosh" is too hip, too trendy, too teenager-esque to be said to a homework-completing, glasses wearing girl who is forced into the "Nerd" box at first glance.
Yes, according to some, I am no longer an approved person is utter such a phrase or anything else that society associates with stereotypical teenagers.

We shall put this in a Spelling Bee contest perspective shan't we?

Host: Your phrase is "Oh My Gosh".

Contestant: was it used?


Contestant: O-H-M-Y-G-O-S-H

Back to the point, I was stopped from celebrating the arrival of a wonderful book just because I simply used the phrase "Oh My Gosh".

The video below shows that I am allowed to be excited and happy about things despite the nerdy status I am forced to carry around. Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case in reality.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yes. Maybe.

I just realised that two posts down, I said that I would be posting "Trip Part 2".

Two posts down a.k.a "Story Time 3".

So, I should be getting it done soon but the lack of inspiration, increase of distractions and the Great Mount Homework has prevented me from doing so.

Nevertheless, I shall post a completely irrelevant topic to what is stated above this sentence now.

Commonly Asked Questions (Wheeee!)

Q: Are you Filipino/have mixed blood?

A: Nope. I am 100% Chinese. Also the phrase "mixed blood" makes me feel really uncomfortable because of the word "blood" and I'm starting to think of blenders and gory things. Darn.

Q: Are you a lesbian?

A: Even my mom asks me that. Mind-bloooooown. Nope, I'm not.

Q: Are you like really into science?

A: No, I'm like really into arts. However, I do think that quantum physics is fascinating and I have as much respect for people who win Nobel Prizes for Science as for people who win Tony Awards.

The next part of the post is mostly useless facts for my own reference.

I have 16 draft posts.

Some titles include: I Should Be Doing Something Else, Escaping The Sun, Kaaaatniss, Wait For Me!, There They Go

Alright, I can guess that there is a 50 per cent chance you are procrastinating on the internet while your work cries silently for your attention. Now that I've filled your brain with useless information, go do your homework if you have any.

It's a short post but I really need to get back to my homework now.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sharing Day

This is the post where I share things like I usually do on the other posts on the blog except this time, I give it a title related to "sharing", yay!

First of all, I just want to let anyone who has ever done a solo of Don't Cry For Me Argentina that you are an amazing person because I don't know how you did it and why are you not living in a solid gold mansion and playing table tennis with solid gold tables on a solid gold private cruise ship. As long as you promise not to kick puppies and be a nice person, everyone should love and respect you for that.

Honestly. I love all of you.

And then this is the part where I share a true story.

You know how everyone has a special skill or talent that they need to develop. For example, let's say dancing. So you've been dancing your whole life and people have complimented you on it and you know you're pretty good at it. Then one day, someone spots your talent and invites you to perform in some amazing production.

That is the moment when you have realised that you have leveled up in the skill/talent you have, so you decide to throw a big party.

That's not the point.

The point is, I realise that I have leveled up in a certain skill recently. No, I have never been complimented for it (It's more like being yelled at) but I know I am fantastic at it.

The Art Of Annoying People.

Yes, I have managed to up my game and annoyed a pickpocket.

I am not joking.

There I was standing, when I felt my bag being unzipped and something moving inside it. My first thought was: They're taking something. However, I snapped out of my daze to remember that I didn't have a single phone, camera or even a wallet in my bag, thank goodness.

This may or may not be caused by my plan to transfer my phone into my coat pocket and then putting my hand over the phone and in the pocket. I then rolled tissues into a ball and placed only two plastic bottles and a notebook into my bag. Yes, I was well aware that I was might become the prey of pickpockets and prepared myself before hand.

I turned around and there-they-were. They had their hands in my bag and were furiously searching for something.

They looked up at a minute and while I was a little shocked at what I saw, the person rolled their eyes at me and gave me an annoyed look like it was my fault that I couldn't let them find something to take. Of course they quickly pulled their hands out and ran away before I could ask them what they wanted.

Later that day, I found my bag opened several times while sitting in crowded trains.

I guessed that just like the previous person, they were unable to find anything too.

Oh anyway, I'm working on a project (a.k.a novel writing) but I'm kind of stuck on character personalities because the story will be mostly focused on that. Hopefully, I will have figured things out by November so I'll be one step in front of Nanowrimo, hah!

Unfortunately, I am struggling with the amount of homework that feels more like a stampede and I don't think I'll be able to hand in my homework on time at this rate.

So before I go to stare at my wall, I'm going to share one last thing. I keep telling myself to share it but I keep forgetting so here it is today.

Anyway, bare: A Pop Opera (title according to wikipedia because youtube has so many titles) is about the struggles of two gay boys in their school.

So if you've got nothing much to do today and are in need of some music, click on the video below now.

The whole thing (Part 1 and 2) takes about two hours. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Story Time 3

Oh hey look! It is another "Story Time" post! I absolutely love writing these.

So today, I wrote a script instead of a short story like I usually do. I was suppose to post about my experiences during the trip to London/Paris today but this idea for a script popped up in my head and won't let me go!

So I sat down and thought about it for about five minutes or so and then I sat down and typed it.

When I first made the draft in my head, it was a light-hearted piece based on the comedic life of a seemingly daft girl. However, when I finally typed it out, the story grew darker, eventually becoming a story of a seemingly daft girl but this time with a rather secret and tragic life.

This script also kind of started because a friend of mine asked me to try writing a script one day.

Anyway, one of the examples of the things I decided to change was the colour of the t-shirt in the script which was originally orange, for which she argues that it is "fashionably-ugly".

Here it is anyway, I don't have a title for it really.

A girl (who looks like she is in her late teens), walks across the stage looking strangely cheerful. Looking confused, she looks around like as if searching for something. Finally, she seems to have spotted someone in the direction of the audience. She waves enthusiastically towards where the audience are and moves to the front of the stage.
Oh hello!
(Giggling) Don’t be silly, you’re not John. You’re my mother!
Alright John, maybe I do know were my best friend during...
(Nodding at something the invisible John said) Yes, yes somewhere along those years. You want to hear a story? (Without giving time for invisible John to reply, she jumps straight into it) You see, when I was seven, my mother abandoned me at this place called Roland’s Funhouse where she used to work at! (Now slightly sad but still smiling) I spent a lot of my time there. I don’t remember her well but her skimpily-dressed friends at her workplace took good care of me.
(In an even more cheerful tone) Anyway, to make a lovely story shorter, my mother left me and I was whisked away to an orphanage. (Enthusiastically) So now you’re like my replacement mother, Mother John!
Shh, yes you’re my mother. Now as I was saying Mother, I went to a lovely party yesterday! I didn’t tell you? Well, it is a party my friend Lily threw for me. I couldn’t throw my own party; I didn’t have any money when you left me years ago.
Ah yes, now where was I? So at the party, there was this man who told me he could do amazing party tricks if I paid him 50 bucks...
(Nodding) Oh yes Mother, I have money now. I’ll tell you later. I gave him the money and he pulled out a soft toy lion. He put his head in the lion’s mouth! Oh Mother, it was a very good trick indeed!
(With an admiring look) No not in the way he tricked me but the trick he did was so brave and daring! The teeth of the toy lion’s were very realistic!
You don’t believe me? Well, Mother John, you will never believe me will you? I went shopping yesterday. I took money from shopkeepers when they weren’t looking. Took things too when they weren’t aware.
Oh hush Mother, hush. Let me show you what I got you. (She bends over to pick up an imaginary bag. She pretends to pull a cloth-like object out of it and holds it out slightly above head for the audience to see.) It’s a lovely t-shirt isn’t it, Mother. I think it’d fit you perfectly. (Lowers it to chest level)
Look at it Mother! (Looks down at the t-shirt) On it, there are the words: I should believe in what you say. (Flips t-shirt over, still keeping it at chest level) But the back of it is more important, it is the part people should be reading. They would you know? After all you’ve got that... (She raises her hand to rub her left cheek) thing on your face; not at all a pretty sight. (She smiles again, looking back down at the t-shirt and reads) You should believe in what I say.
(Looks back up, eyes wider than ever with excitement)Oh Mother, I have this theory that if more people believed what you said, you would be much more open in believing in what others say. And then you’d believe what I say too instead of being so suspicious all the time.

(Now frowning) Oh yes, I got it today. No, I couldn’t have been at the mall last Friday. I went out today. (She sighs and pretends fold the clothing and places it gently into the bag)Well, I can’t be responsible for the death of the many people in the very same shopping mall I got this t-shirt for you in, Mother. No it’s seventy-three Mother, five other bodies were hidden- oh you suddenly seem very interested Mother! That is wonderful. I was joking Mother, of course I am not involved in this. No I was not locked up in some room this morning, I went shopping! This mall wasn’t closed today, I went there!
(Now laughing in a fond manner) My dear mother, you don’t believe in anything I say either.  To you, everything I say could just be a lie or a joke.
(Suddenly afraid) Oh Mother, don’t take me back to the building please, it’s grey and frightening! It’s lonely in there. I hear voices at night in my room Mother. You wouldn’t want me to feel afraid would you?
I can call for the guards outside the room? (In a temper) I don’t want to be treated like a trapped damsel, Mother! I want to be loved as a child!
(Now smiling again) I am a child aren’t I? Mother John, Mother! It will be my eighteenth birthday tomorrow; don’t suppose I’ll get some cake? Oh I do love you so Mother, but you must promise to wear the t-shirt! After all, the colour red was so trendy last Friday!
As the girl stands alone on the stage, now looking around at nothing, the stage grows dark till there is complete darkness.

It wasn't confusing was it? I hope you figured out what really happened in the story!
Anyway, I hope that the next post will finally be the London/Paris trip one.
It shall be called "Trip Part 2".

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


The title's a play on words.

It refers to the trip I just came back from.

It also refers to the act of stumbling.

I just came back from a trip to London/Paris. If you happen to have seen a girl wearing a bright red toggle coat in these places for the past two weeks, that's probably me.

Before I get to the "Travel-y Trip-py Trip" part of this post, I'll write about the "Stumbling" part first.

I get so used to hearing people wish they were perfect.

Can I be perfect, can I just be perfect. Can I be humble and elegant and have everyone like me.

I guess you could say it's a little bit different for me.

I wish I could change my flaws instead of being "perfect" (whatever perfect is considered). I could live with not everyone liking me.

But I could also live without certain flaws.

And I just hate that I cannot change them despite being aware of them.

I have this tendency to pretend that I never need anyone to apologise to me.

That I am perfectly fine to have people walk all over me.

Instead I bottle everything up.

Then I begin hate everything and everyone.

But I can never pin things on others for long because I just feel sad and everything suddenly becomes about me and oh my god why am I so selfish.

Honestly, if I was to become a villain, I'd probably end up building a giant stage and controlling people to listen to me every single second of the day.

From the view of the villain after finally being captured by a triumphant superhero, I'll probably say something like:

I just wanted some attention. It wasn't suppose to harm anyone. I just wanted someone who could pay attention to me for more than five minutes. I  just wanted the attention.

And I won't be able to be angry for long because everytime I get angry I burst into tears which is why I do not allow myelf to get angry in public.

For this trip to London/Paris you could say I "tripped" quite a bit.

I was being ignored the whole time.

And for someone who craves the attention, I got angry really fast.

It doesn't last though because tears start falling.

I found myself running through the streets multiple times actually.

I may just be a naturally dramatic person but it felt amazing running through the streets of a country I didn't know well.

Just me, my bright red toggle coat, a subway/metro ticket and strangers.

And then I forgot who I was.

No labels, no names.

I could be anyone.

I could be someone who lived in London their whole life.

I could be a singer acting in a new music video.

I could be a teenager looking for a hat shop in Paris.

I could stop being me.

It all came crashing down when my family caught up with me.

But I did it again, and again and again throughtout the trip.

Just me, a bright red toggle coat but with pockets of unknown and made-up objects and even more strangers.

Well, on to the "trip" part of the post. It was amazing because I got to visit the different theatres in London and we don't have that many musicals going on at the same time back here! There was all sorts of people in the subway peforming too. They had put out hats and containers to collect money. There was this guy who controlled a band with "muppets" playing instruments.

I think Chong Rei would like to know that there were lots of european and even american guys breakdancing on the streets of Paris.

I even got to visit the WB Studio Tour for The Making Of Harry Potter which was absolutely fantastic!

My hotel had a lovely view of a really tiny park in which was called Norfolk Square. There are tons of these tiny parks around London.

In Paris, I got to visit the Notre Dame and there was a church choir singing during the mass. It was lovely, their voices echoing around the building.

Oh and there was this rather amusing person at the Girl Toys Section in this toy store in London. He had put on a pair of fairy wings on top of his store uniform and was singing loudly while pointing and waving what I think was a toy sparkly wand. And he was sliding and dancing across the floor!

When I got to visit the Tower of London, the man who checked our bags told me where to find the best doughnuts (The Food Hall in Harrods). I even got into an incident which I made a pickpocket annoyed with me but it wasn't intentional I promise!

But that's another story for another day.

I've got so much to write but I'll have do it another time.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Be The Sandwich

I think I should explain the lack of posts this year.

I haven't been feeling much like myself. Like I've completely changed to the point that I don't recognise myself.

Anyway, as the holidays are here, I've decided to make it a rediscovery month to sort out my thoughts.

As wise-not-grasshopper-ish-zen-garden-meditation as it sounds, it's really just me sleeping in and then hiding under the blanket with my three string ukulele. (I broke one of the strings if you're wondering skjfsaklfjalksjf.)

But I promised myself no labels. No putting labels on myself.

So I can be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for one moment and then be king of a non-existent country.

There is a lot of things that has happened this month actually. I got to watch The Avengers and saw lots of fascinating things and even got to watch a play in the park.

But that will all have to wait.

Oh also, I'll be having my own spin on "fashion week".

For one week, I'll be wearing clothes from my mother's closet.

Unlike most mother and daughter duos you see in magazines, my mother and I do not share the same fashion tastes.

If anything, we're complete opposites.

Nevertheless, the challenge I have come up with is to turn things I find in her closet to fit my style.

Let me warn you that my mother's clothes have the ability to make me weep.

I shall stick to the challenge and if you see a girl wearing a skirt that looks like a tea cloth in your country, that will be me!

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Girl with the Phone Camera


It was awful, it was terrible, it was horrifying. It was like walking straight into a horror movie except the villain is a paper full of equations.

Anyway, as the title suggests, this will be a photography blog post. Hooray!

I came up with the blog post after seeing so many girls carrying out expensive cameras like those that you see in fancy advertisements.

Well in the fancy advertisements, the photographer uses the big, black expensive camera to take photographs of scenery that makes you want to take up photography and maybe buy that camera.

Advertisement success.

Anyway, I am focusing on the things you can take with a 3.2MP camera (a.k.a The Phone Camera).

Well, the point of the post is for all those who say that phone cameras are lousy and you can only take photographs with a expensive fancy advertisement one.

You can still take pretty decent photographs with a phone camera, I think.

While you're looking at the two photographs, I might as well help Switzerland gain some tourists anyway.


Edit on 11/12/12: I actually do not get the message of this post I made. I am pretty sure the focus on it is the last sentence.

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's the 29th of April!

Everything looks so white now.


Oh anyway, I haven't been writing since I've just started a notebook to write my thoughts down in. There didn't seem to be much to write here anymore.

Nevertheless, I still come up with stuff to put here for a non-existant audience to read.

I've recently come up with a to-do list for the holidays!

So here we go!

1) Cover every thesaurus in the house with dinosaur wrapping paper. If dinosaur wrapping paper cannot be found, skip this plan and refer to the plan three.

2) Visit a thrift store. Make up a story for a couple of objects.

3) Cover every thesaurus in the house with dinosaur stickers.

4) Get a hair cut.

5) Take a photo once every ten minutes in London.

6) Learn another musical instrument

7) Start something that I gave up last time

That's pretty much it. Oh if you're a bit uncomfortable about stories about insects you might want to skip the next part. I'll tell you when it's safe to look by typing in bold!

Quick back story first. There are a lot of spiders in my room. You can find cobwebs in the corners and spiders in my bed at times. Today, there was this flying ant struggling to get back on it's feet on my table. Just then, this spider leaped on it and started dragging it away. I kind of panicked and I'm remember thinking You aren't dragging Mr Flying Ant away! and ended up squashing both of them by accident.

I panicked. It's not everyday you see something dragging away another thing away and it was all in an instant.


It's the 29th of April anyway and I can't wait till the mid year examinations (which are going on now) are over!

Because my hand truly hurts from all that essay writing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I realised that I've been posting a little more frequently on this blog.

It's either because:

1) Way too many things have been going on lately and I have so much to say to that.

2) I'm lonely and I now talk to my blog because I can't talk to my wall.

It should be the first one...I think.

I was reading through my old posts and it makes me want to scratch my eyes out (and put them back later) because ugh, my writing is awful.

If anyone is wondering, yes, I do write very much like a 10 year old. No, I am actually 14 going on 15.

So anyway, this blog post have been cleverly titled "Obsessions". If you think that this post will be about obsessions, you are correct and deserve a gold star.

Or a silver one. I ran out of gold star stickers at home.

How about red? I've got only three silver ones left and I would like to use them for something else.

This post is focusing on my fashion obsessions. Only because in the future I can look back at these fashion obsessions I currently have and cringe.

So this is like a record digital blog-y format.

For comparison sake, I have decided to list my fashion obsessions when I was 11.

Hi! It's me! 11 yr old and aaaaall. Anyway, I LOVE BLACK HIGH TOPS. DID I TELL YOU HW AMAZING N FANTASTIC THEY ARE. THEY ARE LYK THE BEST THING EVER!!! If I could, I would dress like Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place evrydy bcos her outfits are so pretty and awesome! LYK WHOOOO SKINNY JEANS AND BRIGHT HAPPY LALALA COLOURS. There is lyk tis outfit which was a light purple thin sweater-y thingy matched wth this dark purple polo and pink jeans. Sunglasses r totally cool too. Lyk the biggie ones. I love hats and vests too. Me luv me some hats and vests!!!!!!

I had just put myself through a few minutes of cringing and torture just to type out something that amuses a non-existant reader. Yes, this is how I typed when I was 11 as a result receiving my first phone, being introduced to the world of short forms and the Internet and trying to fit in.
However, I have since changed and can assure you I have never been classier as I am now.

Despite the pastel trend that has been showing up everywhere, I haven't actually thought much about it.

However, I am obsessing over denim long sleeve tops and shades of green and blue.

And matching all of that together.


I still really like bright colours.

Oh and those clear plastic coats which look so amazing when you layer them over bright colour clothing!

I really like suspenders too.


I love satchel bags. I WILL OWN ONE SOMEDAY.

The formal and dressy blazers.

I blogged about chapeaus didn't I? Chapeaus are like grand pieces of art on your head.


That is seven. So seven pairs.

I want blazers with patterns and shirts with patterns and match all the patterns!


See the stuff above? That is what I call a mind map. It is when you map out thoughts in your head and this corner of your brain takes down notes like it. I decided the remove the filter for a couple of minutes and type down this.

Wasn't that fun? *puts back filter*


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Unexpected Things

First of all, I just managed to update the blog without having a two week gap between this post and the previous post. So here's a round of applause!

And even if there is no one to clap due to the fact no one seems to read this blog anymore, I can assure myself that I happen to have an applause toy gun and when I pull the trigger, the two yellow hands at the front will knock into each other like the cymbals that toy monkeys hold, producing sound or a.k.a applause.

Oh and they were showing Disney's Aladdin on TV yesterday! The Magic Flying Carpet is still my favourite character.

So this will be a quick post seeing how it's 1 AM in the morning.

I had this sudden realisation like what-I'm-a-teenager-when.

This is not what I envisioned.

Well, everyone still pretty much towers over me. Asdfghjkl sigh. Like people on tumblr make fun of Darren Criss's height, and I'm like if he's a hobbit that makes me a darn rabbit.

A hyperactive rabbit who can't stay on one topic and is way to talkative for its own good.

Okay, rabbits cannot speak but let's go with "Talking Rabbit which is 68% less adorable than the others".

There. we. go.

OH WAIT AN IMPORTANT THING! I read this a while back in the newspapers but there is going to be a Harry Potter exhibition at the ArtScience Museum! Asdfghjkl, I can't wait!

It will be fantastic and IT WILL LIVE UP TO EVERYONE'S DAMN EXPECTATIONS. GREAT EXPECTATIONS. (That's right, I just quoted a book title!) This will be the only expected thing in this "unexpected post".

By the way, since we are on the topic of the ArtScience Museum, I went there recently with Zoey to catch the Titanic exhibition!

That is a picture of the logbook in which we left messages behind. While Zoey chooses to write about her fascination for the Titanic and the exhibition, I decided to focus on my freezing fingers. If you are wondering why the words "Half-iguana" have been scribbled on in a corner, it is simply because it was during the exhibit that I came to realise my imaginary ancestry could be part Iguana. Remember, it is imaginary; please don't take me away for lab experiments.

Anyway, if you want to know what the exhibition is like, you can ask anyone else about it because I'm not going to describe it and turn this blog post into a brochure.

Ooh, they had a re-created of the Grand Staircase which was all pretty and really grand and I really wanted to stand on it to have my little moment because it seemed so romantic in a way and I'm actually such a hopeless romantic and all that.

Yay really long sentence. Unfortunately, you can only stand on it if you have your photo taken. I didn't want to so I begged the nice lady sitting on the steps to let me do a little tap-dancing on it.

GUESS WHAT, SHE LET ME! She's much nicer than the next girl who took over and didn''t allow me to.

Since I have the urge to change the topic, school uniforms are comfy.

P.S. I tried on my brother's old lab coat recently and it's pretty comfy too. I am convinced that I can sleep in that thing.