Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas!

It's finally Christmas!

Time to flail about in non-existent snow!

Anyway, it's fun facts time. Today I'm going to share about Kwanzaa! That's a celebration for the African-Americans in the United States which starts from tomorrow (26 December) to January the first!

Kwanzaa was created by Maulana Karenga who was a major figure in a Black Power movement from the 1960s to the 1970s. "Black Power" is a political slogan.

Anyway, Kwanzaa is to celebrate the culture and history of the African-Americans! According to wikipedia, a greeting is Joyous Kwanzaa.

And that is another holiday in December!

Oh that reminds me, on Thursday, I got to go to Vidhya's house which I named "The Jungle Book House".

I think calling it "The Jungle Book House" sounds like Mowgli has some headquarters there or something!

It was rather funny in the morning because I didn't know how to work the new iron my family bought recently.

And since there was no one at home, I ended up ironing my wrinkly t-shirt by aiming a hairdryer at the base of the iron and pushing it over the t-shirt!

Well, from my theory, the hairdryer should provide the heat and the iron can help press down the creases.

I'm pleased to say it worked out pretty okay!

Angela, Franky, Eva and Amanda came too so we got to watch Harry Potter and play scrabble.

There was even a point that Eva said she wanted to flip the board.

She did in the end.

Oh and Vidhya got me a book of Shakespeare's works so I thought I seemed rather smart carrying it home!

I'll finish it later.

We got to freak out over insects and we got addicted to watching this person make instant miniature food.

And what would a gathering be like without a dash of Snoopy Street Fair?


That was to keep the post from getting boring!

Still, Happy Christmas to everyone! Pity I couldn't enjoy it as much as I would usually. I still have uncompleted homework and I'm kind of worried about it.

Next year, maybe I'll do it earlier.

Or maybe I'll just procrastinate again.

Have a great Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Fishes and Dancing Badgers

Yet another short update!

It's been long since you heard from my fishes, but I think I'll share about them anyway. I happenened to be watching them swim about while eating my breakfast (a scone) and then I accidentally dropped some tiny crumbs into the fish tank. Every fish was scrambling for the scone crumbs and eating it up faster than we gave them the fish food.

Conclusion? My fishes are one classy English team. Pity fishes don't drink beverages though. It would be nice if they drank tea too.

And wore top hats.

Oh by the way! I've been wanting to blog about this but never got round to do it.
Recently, Nicolette and I just started a (unofficial) club! We called it the "Laptops Suddenly Shut Down Club".

If you want to join, all you need is a laptop that shuts down suddenly.

It's a wonderful place to discuss your frustration of a malfunctioning system!

And we're practically like the best club ever! Just bring along your imagination, tea and good books!

Our current headquarters is at Hogwarts. But really, we're planning to set up our club in other locations such as the Dalton Academy, TARDIS and Ariel's Underwater Grotto.

Club activities include talking about good books and music, fangirling over ships, everything Harry Potter, Glee marathons and tea parties without the fancy pastry but with the cheesy pizzas!

We also have bouncy castles and a dancing badger who is best friends with Perry the Platypus!

Best of all when you sign up, you get a membership card and a badge!

We are like (unofficially) declared the best club ever!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Guess where I just came back from!

I absolutely love the musical. The cast was so talented that I laughed, cried and smiled throughtout it all.


So it was great that I got a chance to stand up and clap for them at the end, hooray!

Really, the whole experience was magical.

I think that it would be really fun to work in the play. Sure, it would probably be really tiring(the choreography!) but so worth it!

So, I'm going to add that to my bucketlist, whether it is playing a part, painting the sets or adjusting the cast's costumes, I want to be part of at least one Wicked production.

Or even become the first asian Glinda!

The sets and costume, music and everything was (may I say it?) impeccable.

Also, Glinda makes me want to be blonde.

And did I mention how gorgeous the set was? Emerald city was dazzling, literally!

Oh anyway, today I ended up at the A&E in the morning because I accidentally spilled boiling water on myself. I spent the trip to the hospital on my phone.

I am officially banned from the kitchen. Well, it's not that bad.

I accidentally got stuff on fire...just once or twice.

Boy what it was an odd experience. I ended up cracking horrible jokes while getting the wound attended to.

They stuck some transparent water proof thing on my wound and I got some painkillers and afterwards, I rushed (and limped) to the theatre to catch Wicked.

So today, I was in wicked pain, watched Wicked and had a wicked fun day.

How was your day?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Story Time

Hi everyone! I've been meaning to update but I haven't really gotten an idea of what I want to post for some time. Luckily, today's epic adventure with Vidhya and Franks was just what I needed to cure the writer's block. Oh and we got to watch Arthur Christmas today!

Time to update the Wicked's tomorrow! Hooray!

Oh anyway, this post is going to be long because it consists of stories I wrote just today and last night.

The first one was for Vidhya. She requested a story involving Fred, Ri and her.

Here it is!

For Fred, the three words you'd hear about him is busy in trouble.

So for his wife Vidhya, it would be no surprise that you'd hear getting some sleep.

Despite the differences in their lifestyle, Vidhya had an amazing sense of humour and is clever and quick-witted at pointing out the details that others often overlooked. Fred however preferred to make others laugh, plotting ingenius schemes and and out-smarting even the wisest wizards.

In other words, they made a fantastic pair.

To anyone who knew them, they were the sweetest and most loving couples who cared and understood each other......most of the time.

"Vidhya," hissed Fred sitting on the edge of the bed, as Vidhya stepped out from behind the dressing screen which was currently coloured by Ri with Mrs Filtlemop's Magic Permanent Crayons.

"I don't even know why I bought this shirt in the first place!" Vidhya cried, pulling at the top she had on as she spun around inspecting the jeans she has chosen to match with it in the old mirror, "There isn't even something I can match with it. Not even jeans."

"You look fine. Splendid really," Fred sighed, "Can I go now? There's this new shipment of Trick wands I've been dying to try out."

Vidhya scowled a little at her reflection. "You don't understand. Everything I have looks horribly unflattering."

"Tell you what Vidhya, we can go shopping for new clothes at Madam Malkin's alright?"

Tugging experimentally at her jeans, Vidhya found herself a little frustrated. "Fred, I can't go out among muggles dressed in robes."

"Why not?" smiled Fred cheekily, "You can start a new trend among those boring muggles. Defy expectations!"

"Defying Gravity," Vidhya muttered under her breath as she tried to pick out another outfit from her closet.

"Hey, you know I don't like that show. They make us wizards seem less awesome than we really are." Fred huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"And you know how I spend a lot of time in the muggle world," Vidhya replied slipping on another top and jacket from behind the screen, "Also, you just don't like it because Elphaba and Glinda doesn't throw great big pranks like you do."

"You always spend so much time in the muggle world. You go to muggle school, learn muggle things and talk about muggle stuff to muggles." groaned Fred, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't have a choice, Fred. Professor Dumbledore has specifically said that I have to balance a muggle and wizard lifestyle." Vidhya stepped out from behind the screen, adjusting the faded denim jacket she had on.

"Well, why can't you just say no? What's stopping you? You have to wear all those strange muggle clothing almost all the time. What's wrong with wearing robes?" he argued, pointing to his robes.

"I have no choice! You always wear ridiculous matching robes with George anyway!" Vidhya snapped, looking at Fred with a piercing stare.

"They aren't ridiculous! They are made of the best dragonhide!" Fred shouted, jumping to his feet.

"It still matches his!" Vidhya tosses her hands in the air in anger.

"Maybe you should think about how little time you spend with me instead!" cried Fred, sitting back down on the bed in a resigned manner.

Vidhya's eyes widened quickly, "Oh Fred..."

Ri looks up at his mother, frightened by the loud voices echoing around the room.

"We're not fighting, Ri...don't worry. I think." Fred fixed a small smile on his face, trying to reassure Ri.

"No, we're not." Vidhya added, "Why didn't you tell me Fred? I thought seeing you around the house was enough. You never complained."

"I guess I just miss you sometimes," Fred admitted, "And really, you like so many new things...even muggle stuff that I don't even know. How am I suppose to get the perfect present for you this Christmas?"

Vidhya smiled, pullling Fred in for a hug. "You're amazing you know that? I'm sorry about yelling at you and about your dragonhide robes."

"And so are you. I can't believe the most fantastic, flawless and beautiful person as my wife...well maybe after me." joked Fred with a huge grin on his face.

Vidhya rolled her eyes. "You should just marry yourself." she said, but the tone of her voice held no anger or frustration.

"No way! And miss doing this?" laughed Fred, kissing Vidhya quickly on the lips, "I'd rather not!"

"Alright, guess we could do this another time. Go on, George is probably waiting with the trick wands."

"Aww, can't I spend a little more time with you instead?"

"Well-" Vidhya's speech was cut off by the sudden flutter of wings in the room.

"Oh look, George's owl and it's delievered..." Fred gulped as he held the howler in his hand.

"Uhh, I think I won't want to spend time with you," Vidhya said, picking Ri up from the floor and hurriedly followed the owl out of the house.

Just as she made stepped out of the house into the front lawn, Vidhya could hear the howler that George had sent.


A confused Ri looked at Vidhya as she burst into laughter.

Hope you like it Vidhya! Writing it was like pushing a snowball down the hill, once you start, you can't stop......till you reach the bottom!

But really, this is to make up for the time I posted a post with the title "I am going to post fanfiction here" but it was just to capture your attention. So I finally posted one.

Well, sure, it needs lots(and lots) of improvement but for now I think it's enough. I shall go eat some warm apple pie now.


Edit(11/12/12): There was originally another story that I wrote which was posted here but I deleted it because there are days when you read the things you have written and you have the great urge to do a magnificent facepalm. I didn't delete the one above because it was a present.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Guessing Games

It's going to be Christmas and Hanukkah soon!

Notice how I put them in order of alphabets and not importance.

Before I start, I'd like to share a little something about Hanukkah! (Information taken and learnt from Wikipedia) From what I read up in wikipedia, Hanukkah doesn't have a fixed date like Christmas but is determined by a Hebrew Calendar. However, it does start on the 25th day of the Kislev.

I don't really understand what the Kislev is but on the Gregorian Calendar (the one you and I are currently using on our desktops), occurs from November to December. And it can last for 29 or 30 days. Oh and there are differences between the one we use daily and the Hebrew Calendar!

Here's another part I don't fully understand but the Jewish day starts at sunset(unlike the Gregorian Calendar we're used to that starts at midnight). I think that means the Hebrew Calendar(also known as the Jewish Calendar), starts the day at sunset.

Well, I could go on about it but I'm guessing this post will be like a wikipedia article when I'm done. So maybe I'll tell you about it another time! And maybe even go on to explaining things I learnt about the Lunar Calendar after finishing up that article and then onto the next article which was about Intercalation-

Looking back at the last few paragraphs, I may have gone off topic. It was suppose to be facts about Hanukkah!

Oh well. I've been planning Christmas gifts for everyone by the way. I thought that you would all like to guess what I'm making or buying(?) with the stuff I'm going to get. However, some things in the list is meant for myself!

-Black Cellophane(if I can't find that. Some of you may have part garbage bag presents!)
-Tumbler Cup (or a non-disposable look alike of coffee cups.)
-Black Lace (grey would also be nice.)
-Rings (as in just the metal ring itself. I think I should be able to get some at craft stores...)

That's all I'm sharing out of my giant list of stuff I need to get!

Oh alright, I'll admit that the black lace is for myself. Wait, pause. No I'm going to start wearing lace blouses, I can't sew. However, I thought of it as a DIY project.

Have you seen the Lace-covered sunglasses from Chanel?(I know they're from last year but still.)I don't think I'll ever buy all these stuff with their huge logos stamped all over the stuff (they make you stand out), but these sunglasses are just so whimsical in a way!

I can totally see the whole of Wonderland (including Alice), donning one of these.

Thought it would be really cute if Alice's had baby blue lace and the flower details (preferably roses) were red and white...and maybe a dash of green!

Oh, I'm going off the topic again. Well, to put things simply, maybe I could dig out an old pair of spectacles or maybe get some cheap fake glasses for about $2 or something and try making it myself.

I suddenly want the Alice version of the Lace-covered sunglasses. Why didn't I think of it before?

However, I don't think I'll be wearing them at all. I don't really go out, no one wears sunglasses in the house and I don't think I want to stand out so much.

Maybe someday, when I'm older, I would dare to wear the things I like and not to care what others think.

Oh and checking in on our countdown, 14 more days to WICKED!

And if I could, I would walk around for a week wearing outfits inspired by it or Wizard of Oz.

You know, I think there was an article about the costumes in the local paper.

Since we're on the topic of clothing, I just thought of this idea.


No, seriously, I would wear it. It would be such amazing sleepwear. Like the patterns and the fabric. Go google images of Luna now! Sure, the colours are rather bright, but I think they would make for a really awesome pair of pyjamas. And pyjamas that are brightly coloured would be like a trend (I don't think it has been made a trend yet). It's like wearing a disco ball to sleep. (Lady Gaga pyjamas anyone?)

That reminds me, I googled bright coloured pyjamas just now for pictures. Apparently there was this navy robe with red piping and it was worn with a white shirt and a red tie. First thought? DALTON UNIFORM!

Oh anyway, has anyone seen Lady Gaga's music video for Marry the Night? I don't know why but I absolutely love it.

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely.

Did I mention how in love I am with the choreography in it? asdfghjkldkjfh

Meet Lady Gaga, still shining brightly on my list of things to do.

And I just wished for once I could get a nice cd album for Christmas instead of Post-it notes dispensers and organizers I will never use.

It's the thought that counts. But to my relatives (who will never find this blog), hint hint.

Notice how I mention Lady Gaga and then albums for Christmas?

P.S. I've already got "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster".

P.S.S. So don't get me those.

P.S.S.S. I knew I could always count on family!

P.S.S.S.S. Who would never read this post.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Houston! We've got a problem!

It's December!

I'm really excited so I'm going to start a countdown!

16 days till I get to watch Wicked! asdfghjkl!

I can't wait to witness the journey of Elphaba and Glinda, it's going to be wicked!

See what I did there?

Oh that reminds me, by some really special coincidence (or perhaps we were just bored), everyone (or at least the people I know) were on Twitter. It kind of started out with three people and slowly everyone joined it. My timeline was filled with mentions. Lots of them!

Then there was this one point which I remembered that there were other people following me! I don't know if I should be laughing now. I've just filled up everyone's timeline with conversations on ruining childhood memories and other unrelated things.

Also, The Glee Project was following me. It is kind of funny to think that they're reading my tweets on such things! What have I done?

I'm also kind of spamming their timeline.

Oh never mind, I bet the other people they follow do the same anyway.

Short post today! But if you must know, I'm still drawing christmas hats.

I NEED that christmas hat on a display picture.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Teddy Tonks

So, I've got the best idea ever.

Ok, so maybe it's not the best idea in the entire world or even my best idea.

Still, I have to admit. It's been one of my best this week!

Ready? So, I was chatting with Vidhya on msn. As it turns out, we happened to plan to get our school books on the same day. If we had one more person to tag along, we'd be like a "Golden-Book-Getting-Trio".

I suggested I could bring Teddy. As in like Teddy Lupin but also a teddy bear. Then my mind goes into automatic brainstorming session.

I mean, sure, someone may have thought of a Teddy-Teddy. But seriously, the idea of having one is way to cute.

I think that "Teddy-Tonks"would be a much more adorable name. Sure, Teddy Lupin's pretty good but I need the alliteration.

That's called marketing(selling your product) skills.

Because "Bunch of Adjectives Penelope" is nothing compared to "Posh Penelope".

See what I mean? Oh anyway, I came up with an idea on what Teddy Tonks could look like.

He's have light brown fur obviously. Well, that's only because I have a teddy bear at home of that shade. Oh and he'll have pink hair, like his mom. Except a little more floaty(?) like a Troll doll or skank!Quinn's.

He'd have to wear a leather jacket. His dad is so totally awesome, that his son needs one. And Teddy is totally awesome too. Maybe a little tiny, tiny plush werewolf stuffed in one of the leather jacket's pockets. And a checkered shirt underneath that. Maybe green?

No sunglasses though. Maybe a floppy hat. Impressing the ladies(Victoire), are we?

Oh and don't forget school books! A Herbology one with the name "Teddy Lupin"on it and a Defence Against Dark Arts one with "Teddy Tonks"on it.

And just maybe in his shoe(Wizard equivalent to Converse), there could be a little wrapper from the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes stuck in it. Oh and the pumpkin backpack! We must not forget the pumpkin-shaped backpack!

And Voilà! We've got our Teddy-Teddy!

By the way, if you haven't noticed, due to the festive season, people are putting Santa/Christmas hats on their display pictures. I wish I could do so too! But I haven't got a clue on what my proper picture would be(definitely not of myself) and how am I going to put that hat on.

Well, I haven't got photoshop or it's rather hard drawing a hat with a mouse.

So I shall be drawing Christmas hats in my sketchbook to fill that empty void in my christmas spirit of wanting a display picture with something Christmassy!

But when Christmas comes around, I guess what counts is the food and giving.

I like food.

And giving christmas presents.

P.S. Anyone else saw the Glee episode, "I Kissed A Girl"? Well, asdfhjkl;sjdslkfjs!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am such a teenager!


I've got Strawberry Shortcake!

So maybe you don't see what's the big deal about it.

Well, it's a big deal to me.


Almost as good as Harry Potter.

Do you even know how hard it is to be even almost as good as Harry Potter?

Oh anyway, the title of this post will actually be the catchphrase of this post!

Hooray! So onward with the writing of the post!

Today I went out into the public again. All the scary people there.

Whoo Hoooo!

Heard some people laughing. Pretty sure they're laughing at me. Judging my every move.

But I shan't dampen the cheerful mood that comes along with the coming of December (a.k.a Christmas Month). And because of that, I have found a reason to convince myself to step out again and face the frightening outside person!

I got Christmas presents anyway. Suppose this satisfied feeling is what one calls Retail Therapy.

Well, I do seem content since I did manage to get presents. However, the extra little purchases that I made for myself makes me feel guilty.

How is this therapy?

It's terrible. I have this guilty feeling deep within me despite the fact that they weren't bought on impulse.

But just spending the money makes me feel so guilty about using the money that is saved up.

Emphasis on saving up.

I am such a teenager.

Oh and I actually don't see the appeal of putting items for the cashier to stare at.

They don't just scan the items, they stare at them.

And then judge you.

Well, they don't judge others. They judge me.

Then the whole walking among other strangers trying to get to the stuff you need.

Hello Stranger Number 1...hi there Stranger 7...sorry to bump into you Stranger 209...

It's almost like I'm having a Socialising Party.

"Oh hello there...Stranger. Would you like us to get aquaintated as we look for the stationary section together?"

"Please to meet you, really tall person who is kind of intimidating. Hope you don't mind that stepped on your foot. I like your keychain by the way."

"What a lovely bargain you got there, Stranger number 347! I wonder where I could find to share?"

Socialising skills? Got that down.

I am such a teenager.

On the bright side, I manage to get this really awesome key holder for a friend. It's actually a Sparrow key chain that has its own little house and you can put it in there when you come home.

I liked it so much, I got one for myself.

Look at me talk about what I bought. I'm actually being a regular teenager for once. But really, it's just an introduction so you get what I'm going to say next.

Anyway, I unintentionally got a black one, so now I've got a blackbird!

I might as well go ahead and say what else I got from that treacherous journey of shopping.

I'm pretty sure I came out demented and looking somewhat decrepit.

Check out the exaggeration in the sentence above!

I am such a teenager!

But really, I'm just excited over the fact I got 3 Glee CD albums.

Which is totally awesome. asdfghjklskdfjls.

I got Volume 5, The Warblers and Volume 6! Though I don't see why you would want to know that...(I also got three new books).

But I'm just testing out because it's my blog and apparently I can write what I want.

And muggles can't stop me!

Oh and since I've got the Warblers' album, I can play Blackbird to my new key chain.

Now I sound insane.

I am such a teenager!

Really, I guess I really am one after all. No matter how my use of "I am such a teenager" can be described as a "ironic use".

So I may not like shopping much...and I may not be "LIKE ALL THE TEENAGE-Y THINGS!" and "ACT STEREOTYPICALLY TEENAGE-Y!"

Still, I guess a teenager is what one describes as someone who is trying to fit in despite the fact that not everyone can understand us.

But somehow, I can't help feeling that my Spongebob attitude is what makes people roll their eyes at me. Truthfully, how did Spongebob become one of their favourite cartoons when they can't stand someone like him in the first place?

That is really ironic.

I am such a teenager!

I don't know about you but I think the whole "teenager" thing comes with a stereotype.

So...I don't think I want to be called a teenager after all.

That way, it doesn't seem weird if I have a Barbie movie marathon will it?

Monday, November 21, 2011

I found my pen!

Hello, so this will be another multi-topic post.

Like all the others. Because I can't seem to focus on one.

Oh anyway, before I begin the main topic in this post, I want to talk about this.

Did any of you guys see tumblr today? I just logged off for an hour and when I came back, there was this whole new meme about "Blainers cannot clap".

What is going on. Don't leave me behind!

Well, now that I've seen the posts, I'm tempted to draw/contribute to it.


How do you ART?

How do you GIF?

How do you PHOTOSHOP?

How do you DRAW?

How do you COLOUR?


Well, the main point is I wish I was better at drawing or making nice posts.

The people of tumblr are like sfjdkgjfsgk.

I think I've gone on about this in a previous post but I don't think it matters if I go on about it again.

jflkajgkljgkdgj HOW DO YOU ART? skjfksgj;jasklmf

On to the main topic of today's post!

I was finding my glasses again today. I misplace them at least once everyday. I suppose everyone with glasses probably experience the same thing as me.

Anyway, if anyone is curious, I thought I'd make mention some of the strangest places I have found certain objects.

About 3 months back, I lost my pen and found it in the refridgerator.

And the other day, I found my glasses under the bed and later in between books.

But the funniest was definitely when I found my slice of cake in the bookshelf!

Luckily, there wasn't any ants.

Short post today! But I thought you'd like to know that George was following River and Lucy around their little tank today. Oh George(the fish).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Meet Finn, George, River and Lucy

We got some new pet fishes recently

Their names are Finn, George, River and Lucy.

Really, one would expect a post about fishes to be boring. Don't worry, I'm going to go all the way and act real kiddy for this post!

Go ahead and laugh at me for making this post. Mind you, I'm keeping my mind open and not always focusing on harsh reality. That way, I won't grow up all boring.

So here goes!

Meet Finn! Finn is the biggest one out of them all and has a orange tinted tail. He has black spots on his fin. Finn was named after Finn Hudson from Glee. Not because the owner likes the character alot but simply because she wanted a name with a pun. Finn enjoys swimming away from his fellow fish and spends most of his time swimming away from the plants at the bottom of the fish tank and into the limelight! Finn also seems to enjoy eating the weird dried fish food.

Meet George! George was named after George Weasley in Harry Potter. Just like Finn, his tail is also tinted orange and has black spots. George is like a small speedy car, darting in and out of the plants in the tank and around his annoyed fellow fish. He definitely lives up to his counterpart! George also tends to be curious like another well-known animal known as "Curious George" as he often swims to the side of the tank and looks out of it. However, George is not a monkey. Monkeys cannot breathe underwater unless they're Sea-monkeys.

Say Hello to River! She's a cheerful little guppy who was named after River from Doctor Who. While River may not want to blast a Fez into smithereens, when shown a picture of a Fez, she does not hesitate to quickly swim to another direction (as proved through the owner's experiment). River also seems to enjoy the dried fish food and is the second smallest fish among the four of them.

And presenting Lucy! She is the smallest among the four and is slightly grey all over. She also has tons of black spots covering her tail. She may spend most of her time swimming towards the side of the tank like George, but don't let that fool you! Lucy is an imaginative fish just like Lucy from The Chronicles of Narnia whom she was named after. When she is not swimming towards the sides of the tanks, Lucy spends her time swimming among the plants in the tank and making believe her own Narnia.

I made Head-Cannons for my pet fishes! So after this, you maaaaay think I'm slightly (or completely) insane. But really, it is just to cheer up anyone who's reading this!

See you around!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

And his black and white cat

It's just another title for me to use when I can't come up with one.

But in the end, I came up with a title. Which is this.

Can we consider that a paradox? I'm still learning.

This post is about Harry Potter but I'm going to keep you in suspense and talk about something else first.

Alright, ready?

The other day, I was listening to the radio. It's sad to know that your favourite songs don't play that often anymore because they're no longer on the Top 40s. Remember when they played Misery by Maroon 5 almost everytime? Good times.

And all of a sudden, this guy requested Animal by Neon Trees.

I think I just went crazy after that.

To the person who requested it, thank you so much for the asdfghjkl music rainbow.

I love that song.

Anyway, today Vidhya, Joelle and I went to a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 DVD launch. Or as I like to call it, a "Potter-Convention".

I went as Luna Lovegood with Spectrespecs and a wand. Vidhya came in full Hogwarts attire and all. Joelle was a muggle wizard-supporter.

And we went around the mall dressed like that and pointing wands among MUGGLES.

We walked past AFA people with our wizard gear like a boss.

We sat and the floor and ate free Gelato like a boss.

We RAN to get our Harry Potter DVDs like a boss.

Some outfits were really cool like this person who was in full Tonks gear!

There was even one point when some guy dressed up as Voldemort tried out a dress. It was hilarious.

Because we're totally awesome.

And now I finally got my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 DVD!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This seems like the only appropriate title for the post.

Also this post is not going to make sense as everything right now doesn't make sense and I woke up at 6AM in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep and went around tidying things up and drawing jellyfishes with blue magic markers and then staring at the wall but not without shuffling and then playing a game of blackjack by myself and going on and off the computer and inwardly screaming at tumblr.


I need Glee's season three episode five now.

What is going on, I can't even begin to...asdfghjkalsjdhgk

I am going to stop this post now. It doesn't make any sense.

Personal Hour!

Well, it's not really and hour actually. It's just a catchy title for me to post things.

Then again, everything in this blog is personal.

But this post is personal, personal.

As in this blog post is made to simply satisfy my undying passion for whining.

So you need not read this.

Because all that's going to come out of this is everyone telling me: SHUT UP!

That seems to be the only plausible reaction that could come out of reading this.

Can we use the word "Plausible" like that?

Awesome? Awesome.

I just want Harry Potter: Page to Screen!

And a fez.

See what I did there?

No? No. Great.

Right, about the whining. I'm about to start being an ungrateful prat.

So if you don't like that, just don't read it.

I've given you a lovely choice.

It would really irritate me if you:

"Did you see what that pathetic whiny girl wrote on her blog? She's so ridiculous! Here, I've printed out the article so we can laugh at her and think about how much she sucks."

If you did that, I'm sorry that I'm here whining instead of feeding kids in some part of Africa.

Because Africa is not a country.

Do you get what I mean?

Instead of laughing at this post, why don't you feed the kids instead?

So once again, read it or leave it.

This whole chunk was just to make people bored so they wouldn't read any further.

Sweet? Sweet.

I would like to have a new thesaurus for Christmas.

My sense of humor is dry.

No really, that's what the whole post is about.

Did you hear my joke about the Birthday card?

You didn't? Guess no one liked it.


That looks like Drarry doesn't it?

Have you seen tumblr?

People there are like masters.

Masters of Humor

Masters of Doodling

Masters of Photography

Masters of Writing.

And here I am going: Let's reblog everythiiiiiiingg!

Hahaha, I am so hilarious.


See, I even rip off other people's style.

Look at the "Not", you think I invented the way to write it?

I probably learnt it off some High School Comedy Movie.

I need a new thesaurus. Learn some big words.

I'm turning eleven! Cause I write like I'm ten!

No, really. Stop teasing me that I'm short.

I can't help being short.

My bone age is about 11 years.

My height is average among 11 year olds.

I don't truly understand what it means.

But that's what the doctor said.

I AM FOREVER YOUNG! On the inside anyway.

But it's growing older. I think.

I'll end up short in the end though.


Have I mentioned that I need a new thesaurus?

Like urgently.

I need to build up my vocabulary.

I feel so strange talking in english to people my age who talk like some English expert.

English Expert, hah.

Look at the phrase I used. It's so...10 year old-ish.

You sir, are an intellectual.

Like Hermione Granger.

Now I wish I was Hermione's friend. I will make a post on it someday.

Look at my inner ADD working up! Yay! I'm changing topics constantly.

But I refuse to be diagnosed. It would suck if I had to take medicine or something.

Look at me type like I'm eight.

Or six.

This post is spectacularly long isn't it?

Spell check! Nope, no wrong words...


It's perfectly fine! Stop trying to find my spelling errors, spell check!

I'm trying to defeat your purpose.

Wait. Pause. The whole point is that I need a thesaurus because people who review my stories use words I don't even know.

And there I am going: I don't even know the meaning of the word and you use it to describe the story?

And then I go google it up and I'm like: When did I so unintentionally write such a complex thing.

It's not complex people.

It's basic stuff.

You're just over-looking things.

Example: The Glass is half fulll.

You can either tell me what a genius I am for coming up with such a sentence that describes the optimism level of an average person who is going through a tough time which also reflects the main character of the story.

Or you can tell me that that is a horrible way to describe a glass sitting on a table and why would you want to know about a half empty glass in the setting of the story. Wait, it also sounds like I copied it from somewhere.

You can make me look smart by saying that that is my main purpose for writing that sentence is the first choice.

You can also push off your tinted glasses and realise it's the second option.

So that's me, dry humor, whiny personality and all.

Now excuse me while get back to writing a story-in-progress.

It's a pathetic excuse for the representation of the melancholy of a courageous person.

That sentence above doesn't even make sense to me.

I'll leave it to you to come up with something to make sense of it.

Also, the story's not about that.

It's really something more like out of a High School Musical movie.

Except much more 10 year oldish.

I have such a non-existant way with words.

Remember what I said about starting off a blog post and not knowing what it's about?

That's exactly what's happening.

I'm shocked that I wrote something.

What happened to whining hour?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A horrible thought just occured to me.


Next year, I will have a new class.

Don't ask me why I have a new class. It's the end of the school year, of course I would have a new class next year. Hold on, I wasn't planning on explaining.

Contrary to what Phineas and Ferb preach (in a non-religious manner. Oh wait, I can't use preach like that. Fine, claim.), I certainly do not have a 104 days of summer vacation.

Are you sure it's a 104 days? That seems awfully long.

Oh, and we don't have 104 of summer here. We have all year round summer. Which means I never get to wear an itchy sweater.

But I want to wear itchy sweaters (I think Rachel's outfits are kind of cute actually).

No, wait. The whole point is I don't want to be in a new class next year (I like her dresses the most though.)

Itchy sweaters or not.

I like my school uniform anyway.

The thing is, what if next year, no one in my class is a Potterhead?

Then you say: "It's alright. It's impossible that no one in a class of 40 will not like Harry Potter."

Well, excuse me. I'm not looking for classmates who "like Harry Potter."

I'm looking for Potterheads.


Anyone caught the reference to a saying?

And next year, I'll probably be stuck in a class where no one appreciates Harry Potter.

No one who cries over the characters' deaths.

No one who understands each character to the point that they can even relate to the tiniest things. (It's ok, Voldemort. I don't think I like my nose very much too.)

No one who will start a debate and serious discussion on the intricate plot that has been written.

No one will marvel at the compelling and wonderously dark story within the pages.

No one will be willing to thank J.K. Rowling for all of the adventures that we were sucked into to escape reality.

No one will be going to Hogwarts with me. They'll all be muggles.

No one.

No one.

This post must be rather depressing so I'm going to type something to make all of you smile:

David Tennant.

There you must be smiling now.

There are two reasons why you're smiling now:

1) He was your favourite/one of your favourite Doctors in the Dr Who series.

2) You saw photoshopped pictures of him on tumblr that were hilarious. For example: David Tennant photoshopped onto a High School Musical poster.

Now excuse me while I avoid the pear slices my mom is giving out.

And wait for the day my dad buys fish fingers and custard.

Which is highly unlikely.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm gonna post fanfiction here.

No I am not.

It was a joke.

Repeat: Joke.

It was just a title to capture your attention.

Truthfully, when I type a blog post, I never know what it is going to turn out to be.

It just one sentence after another.

And before you know it, I've got a post you can all cringe at.

Let's cringe.

Edit on 19/3/12: I actually did post them here. Not once but twice!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello there. This will be an actual blogpost.

Because blogs are web logs like online diaries.

And not those little paragraphs of hyperventilaton, paranoia and dry humor that I love to write.

Also, I highly doubt that web logs contain writing that it sounds like it's from a six year old.

Dear Mr Online Diary,

Hello. I would like a pony. Because all my snobby friends have one. And make it glittery, so they'll be jealous. Even though I don't like glitter on anything except my dresses.

Love, Your Paranoid six year old Writer.


Just. No.

I don't even like ponies. (sorry pony lovers) They're just...pony-ish.

Maybe it'll be more like:

Dear In-tee-me-day-ting White Box,

How are you? I am fine. I am six today! Look, my brother helped me set up this reeeeeally cool thing. It's called a BLOG! It's like a web log. Take out the web, you get a log. It makes me feel like a pirate! You know, pirates have logs to keep track about the stuff that goes on the ship.

See you around soon! Daddy's gonna get me a pirate costume for Halloween!

P.S. Mommy tells me that pirates are actually thieves who have no education and will stay single forever. She also says most of them suffer because of scar-vey due to lack of ve-tar-minn C. Their teeth will drop off and so will mine if I don't eat my fruit. I'm scared.

P.S.S. Daddy told me not to get my "hopes too high" on being a pirate. He says eating stale biscuits would "suck real bad". Mommy yelled at him. I told him my hopes were in my head and not in the sky.

P.S.S.S. Also, Mommy hit herself on the forehead when I begged them not to make me suck on stale biscuits.

WHAT AM I DOING?! I am meant to be writing a post! A diary! On today!

I promise, I will write a proper entry about today.


Or maybe it is because I simply have a dry sense of humor.

Or that my fun side is even more boring than my boring side.

If that is even possible.

Somehow I feel like as if I'm writing like when I was eleven.

No wonder no one laughed at my jokes.

Here I go again, completely gone off topic!

So today I went to school and...

Oh shoot.

I don't really have anything to say.

That must mean ONE thing.

I am older than six.

Because if I am really six, I would be writing about my "play time at school" and that delicious tart my "good friend brought to school".

Oh great. Now I don't have an reason for my horribly childish writing.

Excuse while I go read the dictionary to make myself look smarter.

You make up for my stupidi-I mean height!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


My mom told me that it was a chocolate chip cookie.

It's actually raisins.

She doesn't know.

I'm chewing it. I'm disappointed.

Sorry raisin lovers.

I can't come up with a better title for this.

This blog post has one main point and two points that are just there for me to wonder about.

One of the points being why I post on this blog when NO ONE reads it. When I read my posts I feel like cringing. Really, I write like I'm ten.

I speak like I'm ten.

I look like I'm ten.

I feel like I'm ten.

That will lead to another point later on in this post.

Anyway, the thing is: I WISH KURT HUMMEL WAS MY FRIEND.

Sure, Emma Pillsbury would probably hand me a "My Hag And I" brochure everytime we step into her office; but can you not see how great it would be to be a friend of Kurt?

Because truthfully, we all need that sarcastic and fashionable friend who is willing to spend hours talking about fashion spreads.

I never will have to look at Vogue covers and things on the internet because I can borrow his copies of them.

We can totally bond over shopping! (For clothing I suppose)

I admit, I haven't bought any new outfits or what so ever since February.

I also admit that I get bored while shopping.

Unless it's a book store.

Or a big sale.

Like everything is cut down to such a cheap price, I feel like Scrooge when I purchase something.


He can totally tell me that my fashion sense sucks to my face(sure, I'll be a little hurt), but he can help me pick out stuff and I can rely on him for fashion advice.

I'm sure he would be happy to do so.

And we can comment on peoples' outfits and discuss on how it can be better.

When I try to do that with my friends, they pretty much don't get what I'm saying by: "Colour does not match skin tone."

I'll never not have to not hide from public places ever again.

Seriously. I love the outfits that Kurt wears in the show. Especially in Season 3.

It's only been 3 episodes and I already love everything he wears.

Even if it's for guys, I would wear it. Maybe a more feminine version.

I can totally see it. We can be friends. He can be disgusted at my weird grandma cardigans(which I currently do not have) and I can borrow his copies of Vogue.

And along the way, he'll probably get Rachel and I to try wearing something less granny-like.

So, the last point about this post is I don't know why I'm writing about being friends with Kurt.
Not best friends though. "Best Friend" position belongs to Blaine.

Who also so happens to have the "Boyfriend" title.

Am I the only one who is excited for that "Sebastian" guy to arrive?

He can come and stir up some drama. But he better NOT break them up.

I feel absolutely creepy now.

Wait, no one reads this blog. Ok, I can relax now.

Now, I've just gone off topic.

The last point which I meant to say before I completely went on about other stuff is that I should be doing something else instead of thinking about getting Kurt to reject my grandma cardigans(which I have yet to get).

I love grandma cardigans by the way.

My grandma doesn't like them.

Right, back to what I was saying. Instead of posting all this, I should be doing my writing instead. I have a couple of chapters to complete.




Today turned out to be a blank microsoft word file.

But it's okay. Tumblr taught me that others are having the same problem.

And that I should probably get off tumblr.

But I need the internet for research!

Then again, why should I write?

I feel like deleting everything I've posted.

Because, I feel like everything I've written is terrible.


But I can't, because people reading it might get angry.

Then again I don't think people read one-shots more than once.

Maybe I should just put up a poll to ask if they mind if I delete the fics.


Well, it's 10.31pm now in my country.

No one is reading this.


This is a I-feel-10-years-old-physically-and-mentally-girl signing off.

No one is still reading this.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Disagreements with Fimo

Fimo is what I named it. Or Walters.

Fine, I never did name it. I'm just naming for the sake of this blog post.

Fimo is my laptop. I'm sure Fimo also happens to be the name of some sort of clay. But nevermind, it fits my laptop well. Or Walters.

Recently, it seems that Fimo here, has a certain dislike for musicals.

That's right. Everytime I watch one video about Mary Poppins or some random musical video, FIMO SHUTS DOWN.

You may think it's just uncanny coincidence(can we use uncanny with coincidence?), but I know better. It's not.

Personally, I don't think your laptop ALWAYS shuts down when you watch a musical video.

So therefore, it is either that all musicals have some sort of computer virus hidden in them or that Fimo simply dislikes me reliving my childhood memories.

You see, when I was little, the brilliant TV programmers used to put the kid's musicals at 11pm.


So there I was, a little kid, struggling to open my eyes to watch it. Because truthfully, cheerful Mary Poppins was like a lullaby.

Very, very soothing.

To make a long story short, it's the programmers' fault.

That's the 7 year old me saying that.

Anyway, so Fimo (or Walters) doesn't seem to be fond of such musicals. I shall go check if tickets are still avalible for The Lion King: The Musical.

I'll bring Fimo along and let him appreciate the musical's glory. With all the other people staring at me wondering why I brought along a big heavy laptop.

Never mind, I could start a trend. And I could have a little club.

The Laptops Appreciate Musicals Club.

And never ever will anyone's laptop break down while they're watching musicals again.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Meet Jonathan Box

This white box is very intimidating.

I shall start by being friends with it.

Hello White Box, I'm Cherie. Oh, you want me to call you Jonathan? Well, I hardly expected boxes to have names. Yes, I'm well aware that I once worked with 17 other boxes.

Oh, one of them was your uncle, Benson? That's a...peculiar name, no?

Did you just read the sentence I had written at the top? Sorry, you are a very nice box. The problem is me you see, I can't stand things being in such an organized state. After all, my desk has papers messily piled up.

I want us to be friends, box. Really, I do. Shall I offer you a peace offering such a lovely chinese tea?

You can't drink tea? Oh I'm so sorry! You think it's bitter? Well I-

Hold on a second. You said you CAN'T drink tea, how'd you know it's bitter?

Alright, I got you. We're even now. You could have just told me you didn't want any.

Or...just tell it to my face that I'm an awful host with no social skills and the tea sucks.

Right, you're a box, a couple hours old and your dream is to be a box featured in the Martha Stewart magazine?

Fascinating. I don't suppose you would be interested in knowing me. I am rather...mysterious. However, I do love Harry Potter and Glee and a bunch of other things. Oh, you love Harry Potter too?

Well, I think my phone or at least it's auto-correct, has been watching Glee secretly.

It kept changing "Just" to "Kurt".

I'm sorry I'm a really boring person box. Suppose I shall just go away.

Wait, you're willing to talk to me box? You know about how I love to write?

Oh thank you Jonathan Box! I won't let you down!